How to make table horseradish and alcohol tincture at home

Horseradish is a valuable vegetable. Its root has a pungent pungent odor and a sweetish taste, which later becomes burning. In combination with vinegar, it is a seasoning for dishes. I'll tell you how to cook horseradish at home, but first I will pay a little attention to useful properties. Horseradish is rich in Vitamin C, which makes it an excellent anti-scurvy weapon. ...
  • Hair lamination at home

    In summer, the scorching rays of the sun negatively affect the hair. The strands become dry and brittle. Under the influence of winter frosts, they lose vitality, luster and attractiveness. Daily use of hair dryers and irons contributes to the violation of the structure and the appearance of split ends. How to resist the harmful effects of natural factors and restore healthy hair? ...
  • Design of a room in Khrushchev

    Contents: Redevelopment and division of the room. The choice of interior style. From an architectural point of view, the layout of prefabricated houses of the Khrushchev’s construction is the most uncomfortable and not practical. The main disadvantage of housing in the "Khrushchev" is the lack of free space. The technical objective of the project is to minimize the cost of space, which led to a violation of the basic standards for creating a living space. ...
  • Berlin Cathedral - tourist information

    On the river Spree, which flows in Berlin, is the island of Spreeinsel, which in the Middle Ages was an ordinary swampy meadow, today it is called Museum. Popular metropolitan museums are built here, as well as the Berlin Cathedral, the largest Protestant temple in Germany. ...
  • Paint with a brush

    Very often, when painting surfaces, paint is applied with a special spray gun (spray gun), or with a roller. When choosing these tools, the time spent on painting is reduced. The surface to be painted is smooth, without stains and gaps. But it’s not always convenient to use just these painting tools. ...
  • How to make a fabric lampshade with your own hands

    Today, hand-made is rapidly gaining popularity, occupying its well-deserved niche in the interior. Old furniture and decor elements that seemed to have outlived are transformed in the hands of skilled craftsmen, start playing with new colors and become the highlight of any interior. Renewing and restoring furniture is a very complex and painstaking process that is not always possible for innovators, but working with small decorative elements such as lamps, vases, small bookshelves and the like is a simple chance to stand out from the crowd and ennoble your interior. ...
  • Feng Shui in hanging paintings: the basics

    Each room has its own unique energy, which can be improved thanks to the correct approach to hanging pictures. Of course, these will be only general recommendations, but knowledge of the basics of such art will undoubtedly bring only benefit to the landlord. We’ll talk about this. Each zone in the apartment requires a special approach, therefore, in this article we will consider all types of rooms where its own specific and unique energy will reign. ...
  • Limerick is a university city in Ireland

    Ancient cities invariably attract tourists from all over the planet. Among them is Limerick, so today we are waiting for a brief virtual tour to one of the most beautiful, mysterious, romantic and ancient corners of the Kingdom of Ireland. General information Limerick Ireland, located on the west coast of the Shannon River, is the third largest in size - its population is more than 90 thousand people. ...
  • Countertop for the kitchen: types and description

    So the time has come to repair the kitchen room. All the finishing work has already been completed and there is only one unresolved issue: the countertop for the kitchen! I want her to be comfortable and rational, serve faithfully and not hit hard on her wallet. To begin with, we will analyze the materials from which countertops are made. ...
  • How to bake potatoes in a slow cooker

    There is a desire to cook an unusual dish, but the fantasy has dried up? Culinary specialists know many recipes from potatoes: boiled, in their uniforms, fried, baked in foil, etc. Try to cook potatoes with slices in a slow cooker at home. This option is suitable for lunch or dinner, even for a festive table. ...
  • Overview of clothes cabinets with shelves, selection rules

    Storage of things is impossible to imagine without a closet. With its help, things, linen, shoes are streamlined. One of these “helpers” is a clothes cabinet with shelves, which will become a necessary part of furniture, and a stylish piece of furniture. Purpose This item was created to hide the clutter and provide each item with a permanent place. ...
  • Healing aloe juice - what diseases help and how to take it inside?

    Aloe is a plant of incredible quality, which has a wide range of healing qualities. With it, you can cure and prevent many different diseases. This article contains information about the therapeutic properties of aloe juice and how it should be taken. ...
  • Step-by-step instructions for sewing a cover on a sofa with your own hands

    Any housewife wants to protect her upholstered furniture from the negative impact of various factors on her. The desire not only to extend the life of your favorite sofa, but also to ensure cleanliness, it is impossible to translate into reality without the use of covers. There are two options for solving this issue: wraps can either be bought or made independently. ...
  • All about pomegranate: photo and description, name and homeland, benefits and harms, tree growing tips and interesting facts

    Many people like juicy and tasty pomegranate. And this is not surprising, because it contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, and its beneficial properties help to cope with many diseases. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows where this wonderful fruit came to us from, how it grows and how to clean it properly. ...
  • The combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen: spectacular design solutions with vivid examples in the photo

    Color in the interior is a key factor in the emotional perception of our surroundings. The correct combination of shades in the kitchen is the key to coziness, comfort, good mood, healthy appetite and emotional communication. The choice of colors depends on many factors: the purpose of the room, lifestyle, age, temperament, the nature of its owners and, of course, on the aesthetic effect that you want to get. ...
  • Milan apartment with a bright and "juicy" interior

    We suggest you visit a Milan apartment with a very interesting, colorful and even “juicy” design. Despite the fact that most of the rooms of the apartments have a snow-white finish, the apartment looks bright, original, attractive and very positive. The contrasting combination of white tone with bright, saturated colors creates combinatorics interesting to the eye and brings a festive mood to the interior of the space. ...
  • Kitchen 5 sq. m - practical ideas for design, repair, redevelopment

    The miniature kitchen in the apartment can be stylish and attractive, but it also requires a thorough approach in the arrangement. Thoughtful design is necessary for the development of space in a small room. Quite often, a kitchen of 5 square meters. m, if you try, it becomes more interesting and original than those whose square meters do not create problems for the designer. ...