How to understand that a guy likes you

“And I like, like, like ...” From childhood, we girls have been tirelessly repeating by parents: “The boy should be the first to say that he likes you, the guy should be the first to show you attention, the man should be the first to tell you that he loves ...” So we wait - first girls, then girls, and then women - but does this blind expectation always lead to good results and how to understand what a guy likes?

The male half of humanity, due to its natural psychological characteristics, is not as open, emotional and frank as the female, and does not always directly speak about its feelings, preferring to let it go by itself. So how do you determine whether a young man likes you or does he only pay attention out of gentlemanly politeness? Believe me, unraveling male sympathy is not so difficult. A little knowledge and elementary observation will help to understand this issue.

Common symptoms of sympathy in men

When you are planning a date, be prepared to watch carefully. Guys by nature are really less emotional than girls, and you should not blame them for this. There are several signs that instantly give out their nascent sympathy.

  • Gestures. Non-verbal language of communication - sign language never lies: we can say anything, lie, keep silent, but the body still gives out. If a guy is in love, he literally rushes towards the object of sympathy: most of the time he looks in the eyes or on the lips, smiles, unconsciously “mirrors” your gestures, tries to touch. There are also so-called “preening gestures”: it seems to us that this is characteristic only of girls, but a man, wanting to please the object of sympathy, can also smooth his hair, straighten the collar of his shirt and perform other actions that he does not even realize.
  • Initiative. A boyfriend in love is a real hunter: he wants to spend as much time as possible with you, so he will initiate communication even for insignificant occasions. Hungry? Let's go to the cafe, I'm treating you! Need to fix something at home? I can handle it, I can find the tools! Need to bring heavy bags from the store? Come on, it’s slippery on the street, you’ll fall! And so on ... Do not ignore these tokens.
  • Jokes. A man with a sense of humor is the dream of every woman, and men understand this perfectly. They say not in vain: "if you want to fall in love with a woman, you amused her." So laugh heartily and be sure that you are interested.
  • Care. Believe me, you will not confuse her with banal gentlemanly politeness: a man in love is trying too hard to please you, and it is impossible not to notice it. He will help in everyday life and work, give a hand when leaving the transport, take your elbow on a slippery sidewalk, hold an umbrella over your head, worry about your well-being, mood, ask how the day went.
  • Gifts. In fact, it’s wrong to measure sympathy in gifts: not everyone does not always have money to afford to give lovers, especially when it comes to a high school student or a first-year student who has not yet managed to get a part-time job. But believe me: if a guy really likes you, he will find a way to please you, if he has to - even flowers from the flower bed.
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How to understand what a guy likes at school

Since we remembered high school students, let's talk about school. We are used to thinking that teenage boys show sympathy rudely, sometimes quite aggressively: they make fun of, jab, and sometimes physically “poke”, pull hair, push, passing by. It seems to them that they will hide their feelings this way, but we girls know perfectly well: in fact, these are the first signs of falling in love. You should not be angry at such behavior, because these are age-related features.

However, some schoolchildren show sympathy differently. They can protect the object of their feelings from the attacks of other guys, give "valentines", help bring a briefcase home, offer help and ask for a response ("let me write off the physics, and I'll give you Russian").

Neither of these behaviors is the only correct one: school age is the time when hormones are just beginning to “seethe,” new emotions and feelings seem incomprehensible and frightening, and the guys will need a lot of time to accept them and understand themselves.

Signs of penpal guys

In the courtyard of the 21st century, which means that a considerable part of life takes place in the networks of social networks. Here you can make friends and romantic acquaintances. But if in real life one can determine a guy’s sympathy by numerous external signs and behavior, then there are features in Internet communication.

  • He writes first. If you like a young man with whom you communicate by correspondence, and he is the first to hurry to wish good morning and ask if you have slept well and what are your plans for the day, you are definitely not indifferent to him.
  • Interest in communication. Asks personal questions, gives detailed answers, does not let go for a long time. By and large, the guys are not too talkative, they prefer to joke and talk on common topics, but if you notice that your conversations have become longer, deeper, affect the intimate aspects of life, be sure: he is interested. In addition, the guy in love will be very reluctant to let you go on business or in bed. He will try to delay by all possible means even for a short while.
  • Smiles, stickers, pictures. The Internet and social networks are a great opportunity to diversify communication with audiovisual content. If a guy likes you, he will definitely take this opportunity: he will put emoticons, send stickers, show beautiful and funny pictures, share music and video clips.
  • Likes, reposts, comments. Another way to show sympathy: believe me, a guy in love will certainly monitor your updates on VKontakte and Instagram, to be one of the first to like, repost or write in the comments: “You are so beautiful!”.
  • Jealousy. There is nothing easier than to determine by correspondence whether a guy is jealous of you: let him know that you are going to the movies in the evening, but don’t say who exactly. If a young man is jealous, clarifying questions will immediately fall.
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How to make a guy understand that he likes

So, you have determined that the guy likes you. Which is nice - you like him too. How is it unobtrusive but accessible to express? Here are some basic tips.

  • Surround him with care and attention. Show that you are interested, ask about his hobbies, outlook on life, worldview, opinion on certain issues. Invite him home for dinner, cook something delicious. Buy a warm hat or video game that he had long dreamed of. Listen to his wishes - so he will understand that he is also not indifferent to you.
  • Smile, make eye and body contact. Physical rapprochement is an important part of a nascent relationship. If the young man is pleasant to you, gradually reduce the distance: let me give a goodbye hug, kiss on the cheek, and gently shake hands.
  • Flirt, joke, compliment. Relax and let him relax. He will appreciate your attention and interest.

Features of manifestation of sympathy in guys of different zodiac signs

How men of different zodiac signs show sympathy:

  • Aries - fervor, assertive, decisive, sometimes it can go against your desires and act right through.
  • calf - Doesn’t like to flaunt emotions and feelings, his sympathy is easier to determine by sign language and attitude towards you.
  • Twins - With this, everything is simple: he will directly say that you like him.
  • Cancer - caring, attentive, vulnerable.
  • a lion - This is a zealous and possessive sign of the zodiac, so that not only you, but everyone around you will know about his sympathy.
  • Virgo - flirting, subtle hints, unobtrusive jokes, gentle attempts to re-educate you for yourself, clearly indicate that you are not indifferent to him.
  • Libra - emotional and romantic, so it’ll just flood you with compliments.
  • Scorpio - It’s often quite secretive, so it’s better to ask about sympathy directly, if by — the question will be resolved, if you like it — your directness will only cause more respect.
  • Sagittarius - baselessly jealous, seeks to spend as much time as possible with the object of his love.
  • Capricorn - practical, so the first thing rushes to help in household chores.
  • Aquarius - Independent, but if you like it - he will hint about it with outright flirting.
  • Fish - usually shy, it is better to ask directly.

How to behave on a first date

Let's talk about the first date - how to behave in such a way as to make a good impression and win the very sympathy that we talked about so much?

  • First of all - relax and try to be natural. As you already understood, sign language is the best way to read all the feelings and emotions, so it is important to be relaxed and not nervous. In the end, the first date is not a wedding, and your fate is not decided right here and now. If you do not like each other - you can always painlessly disperse, never to see each other again.
  • If you are asked to choose a meeting place, the choice should not fall for the most expensive restaurant in the city. A date is, first of all, communication, and not a clarification of the financial capabilities of a potential partner. Be humble.
  • Find out in advance what the young man with whom you go on a date is fond of. If his hobby is unfamiliar to you, read about him to have something to talk about. Also be prepared to voice and discuss your own interests.
  • Be sure to get enough sleep before a date, because it is important for you to look good. Put yourself in order, choose the right clothes. In no case do not dress vulgarly!
  • Be punctual. Rumor that a woman should be a little late is a myth.

At the end of the article, I want to say that relationships are a complicated thing, but not as much as many of us imagine. Do not be afraid to show sympathy and make friends, flirt, enjoy men's attention, reciprocate - with this life will be much brighter!

Watch the video: How To Tell If A Guy Likes You 15 Signs To Know (October 2024).

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