How to quickly peel a young potato

Young potatoes are no less delicious delicacy than any lobsters, if you choose a delicious variety and be creative in cooking. Grown on domestic lands, natural and nutritious, it becomes the highlight of any summer dish. It is enough to fry, stew or even cook it - the aroma and taste will excite any visitor to the kitchen.

The desire to taste potatoes in fashion is always opposed by the reluctance to peel it. The traditional method using a knife takes a lot of time, so also spots on the hands remain. After cleaning the dark skin of the fingers is difficult to lighten even with a long wash with soap. I suggest considering a few simple ways to quickly peel a young potato.

Sort the vegetable in advance to remove the areas affected by the wireworm with a knife. Remove the green tubers altogether - a lot of melanin, which is poison, has accumulated in them. Peeling such potatoes will not reduce their toxicity.

The fastest way to clean

Option No. 1. Before cleaning, rinse the product under running water to get rid of the remnants of the earth, wash the accumulations from the "eyes". If you put on special household gloves made of rough material or mittens for peeling, you can separate the peel immediately, and its water will be washed off. It will turn out as soon as possible and quietly peel a lot of young potatoes at home.

TIP: no household gloves? Use an ordinary dishwashing sponge (hard side), a scraper or a brush to clean kitchen devices. Even a clean brush for the care of the carpets will do!

Option number 2. Place the potatoes in a pot or bowl with water, and rub the tubers against each other, this will also save from the "flaps" of the peel. You can lower the product in boiling water, and then - in ice water. The peel leaves on its own - it remains only to rinse under running water. Intensive washing under an open tap in a metal egg net also removes young skin without hands.

Option number 3. Place the tubers in any container that can be closed. An alternative would be a durable package. Pour everything with cold water and leave for several minutes, covering the container with a lid. If using a bag, tie it without draining the water. Shake the dishes or bag, drain the water, estimating how many potatoes are peeled. If necessary, repeat the whole process until the drained water remains clean.

How to peel potatoes so that your hands are clean

If you peel potatoes with a knife, obviously stock up on the coming harvest season with medical or rubber gloves. This will save the skin from dark spots. Alternative: moisten your hands with lemon juice (concentrated citric acid solution) or table vinegar. Wait for the liquid to dry and proceed with cleaning.

Tubers can be boiled in a peel, getting rid of it after. To do this, make an incision in a circle on each vegetable (as if you want to divide into 2 equal parts). Boil to the state of "almost ready", transfer to a container of ice water for 10 seconds. You can peel off your fingers - so easily you haven’t done it yet.

The way without a knife - salt in the bag

Put the thoroughly washed potatoes in a tight plastic bag. Pour 2 tablespoons of regular table salt or coarse sea salt. Tie the bag and mix thoroughly with your hands, causing friction of the components. Salt crystals will perfectly cope with the task of quick cleaning.

Video tips

The procedure can be done without a package - by putting the ingredients in a pan or basin. Shuffle everything really with your hands, but salt can damage the skin, so it’s better to arm yourself with medical or clean work gloves. After such cleaning, thoroughly rinse the tubers under running water. Salt during cooking is already less.

Original cleaning methods

Someone calls them lazy people, and some call them inventive people. But there are individuals in the world who do not want to peel young potatoes with their own hands, and even more so after a commercial break on TV. How to clean tubers without a knife, salt, gloves and pots?

  • Drill. Attach a new toilet brush to the appliance. Dipping this non-standard nozzle in a bucket with new potatoes and water, clean the contents 1 minute after turning on the device.
  • Semi-automatic washing machinefor example, Fairy. Everything is even easier: “load” the tank with potatoes and water, then turn on the washing mode. In a few minutes the product will be peeled off. Just rinse the tubers beforehand, as grains of sand can get into the inaccessible compartments of the washing machine, increasing its functionality by 1 option - an unpleasant creak during operation.

Useful Tips

To minimize labor costs and unpleasant consequences, use the following memo.

  • Wear medical, rubber, or work gloves in the kitchen.
  • Only clean your tubers with a knife after pre-wetting your hands in table vinegar, lemon juice or concentrated citric acid solution.
  • If the potatoes have already been peeled with “naked” hands, remove the dark pigment from the skin by rubbing it with half a lemon. Alternative: chop the ripe tomatoes on a grater and dip your hands in the tomato for 15 minutes. This option is suitable even for those who “marked” their hands with green nuts. Do not forget to rinse them in warm water with soap at the end of the procedure.

After quickly peeling potatoes, dry it with a towel - so it will become crispy when frying. Season the finished dish with herbs, fragrant spices. Serve the table around the fragrant side dish with slices of brown bread, any meat, fish or vegetable treats.

Watch the video: Super Quick Potato Peeling! - Life Hack (October 2024).

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