Intercostal neuralgia - symptoms, treatment, prevention

In today's article, we will understand what intercostal neuralgia is, consider its symptoms and treatment methods at home.

Intercostal neuralgia is irritation or compression of the intercostal nerves, accompanied by severe pain, which in its intensity resembles renal colic. Pain is intermittent and can intensify with sneezing, sudden movements, or severe coughing.

By nature, this pathological process is included in the category of tunnel neuropathies. The nerve trunk is located in the intercostal space and passes in the canal of connective tissue. The hurtful effect leads to the fact that the ligaments, bones and muscles pinch the nerve, as a result of which pain sensations appear.

Causes of Neuralgia

There are many causes of nerve injury. We are talking about lesions and diseases of the spine. Other diseases contribute to the development of the disease, including diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, disorders of the ligamentous apparatus and others.

The list of reasons for the appearance of intercostal neuralgia includes professional factors that cause tension of the musculoskeletal system, disorders in the development of the nervous system.

According to statistics, in 80 percent of cases, intercostal neuralgia causes radiculitis or osteochondrosis. Moreover, the disease in question is the main symptom of ailments.

As for the factors contributing to the development of pathological processes, including injuries, strong loads on the supporting apparatus, the postoperative condition of the spine and frequent hypothermia. According to doctors, the disease is often encountered after fifty years. This is due to age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system.

Symptoms of intercostal neuralgia

Any disease has symptoms, and intercostal neuralgia is no exception. What constitutes an ailment, why and when it appears, we figured out. Now consider the symptoms.

Heartache - the main symptom. The pain is neuropathic and can be dull, aching, unpleasantly burning or acute. It is caused by diseases related to the nervous system. It appears occasionally in some patients, and constantly torments others. Strengthens during high physical activity, sneezing, loud dialect, sudden movements of the body and changes in body position.

Pain in palpating the body. This may be the chest, spine and intercostal region. In the segment of the chest in which a sharp pain manifests itself, a damaged nerve fragment is located. The pain disappears over time, due to necrosis of the nerve root. As a result, the patient calms down, but this does not mean that the disease has gone away with the pain syndrome. The person’s state changes, new sensations appear, including heaviness in the chest and shallow breathing.

Lower back pain. This reflection of pain does not allow us to state the primary source of nerve damage.

There are intercostal neuralgia and other symptoms. We are talking about tangible muscle contractions, twitching, intense sweating and a change in skin tone, which can turn red or pale. In some areas, the sensitivity of the skin decreases.

Often patients take an “antalgic” posture, especially with osteochondrosis. The body leans towards the healthy side. Such manipulations with the body help to stretch the intercostal space, which reduces pressure and reduces pain. In this technique, fear plays an important role, due to the expectation of a pain syndrome. The suffering person tries to be in this position for as long as possible.

If you suspect any intercostal neuralgia, be sure to consult your doctor.

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia at home

The appearance of acute, sharp, not releasing pain in the intercostal space is the first messenger of intercostal neuralgia. Medical practice shows that the disease appears in middle-aged and older people. It is accompanied by bouts of pain that occurs with any movement, sudden breathing and coughing.

If these symptoms appear, go through an examination to exclude the likelihood of heart disease. If the results of the examination confirm the presence of neuralgia, the doctor will prescribe medications that stop cramping and pain.

Not every person has the opportunity to go to the clinic. In this case, it is important to know how intercostal neuralgia is treated at home. I’ll talk about this.

  1. The fight against the disease at home is reduced to the relief of pain through dry heat, which helps relieve muscle spasms. To do this, put on a woolen sweater, previously warming up the sore spot with mustard plasters, a bag of heated sand or a heating pad.
  2. With an exacerbation, physiotherapy, a healthy lifestyle and relaxation will quickly come into shape. It does not hurt to abandon bad habits and avoid stressful situations. Achieving the goal will be facilitated by complexes of vitamins that will accelerate the restoration of the damaged structure.
  3. Pay special attention to bedroom mode. Discard soft mattresses in favor of a special shield or a flat and hard board. Refrain from lifting weights and do not make sudden movements.
  4. An integrated approach from therapeutic massage sessions, special physical culture and manual therapy will accelerate the restoration of the natural position of the upper spine and help to stop slouching.
  5. Therapeutic baths. Pour four tablespoons of chopped sage with a glass of cold water, wait an hour and strain. Pour the finished infusion into the bath, add 4 tablespoons of sea salt, stir and soak in water for 10 minutes. The duration of the course is ten procedures.
  6. Grass autumn colchicum. Part of the crushed dry tubers pour twelve parts of apple cider vinegar and leave for 2 weeks. Use a rubbing agent. Ingestion is strictly prohibited, since the plant is poisonous.

Self-treatment using painkillers and other drugs without the supervision of a doctor can lead to the transition of the disease into a chronic form! Be sure to consult a doctor!

Choose the appropriate treatment for neuralgia, procedures and drugs that contribute to a quick recovery and prevent the transition to a neglected form, only a doctor can do!

How to treat neuralgia in a clinical setting

Consider the treatment of intercostal neuralgia in a clinical setting. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by means of fluorography and electrocardiography. As with any other disease, be it chickenpox or cystitis, you can cope with neuralgia on your own, however, a quick result provides only treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

  • If the examination confirms that the patient has intercostal neuralgia, the doctor will select the optimal treatment. First, the pain is eliminated. Analgesics in the form of injections, tablets and suppositories are suitable for this purpose. After that, the complex is prescribed to prevent epilepsy, drugs and antidepressants.
  • Relaxants are used to relieve muscle cramps in the affected area. They help to quickly return a tense muscle to a relaxed state. After the treatment, the cramps go away.
  • If the patient is tormented by severe attacks, the doctor blocks them with lidocaine. There are frequent cases where patients have poor tolerance to intramuscular injections. In this case, special patches are used that release lidocaine into the skin.
  • An equally important stage in the fight against neuralgia is the elimination of tissue edema. It appears with a pathological formation. For this purpose, diuretics and drugs that enhance blood circulation at a problem point are used.
  • It is extremely important to start the process of repairing a damaged nerve. If you succeed, the pain will go away. In addition to anti-inflammatory drugs, patients are prescribed vitamin complexes that help strengthen the immune system and nervous system.

The patient himself can accelerate recovery. During therapy, it is recommended to carefully choose clothes to wear. Wardrobe items should not squeeze the chest, restrict movement or tighten the body. Women can’t replace model bras with sports counterparts. It is also better to give up active movements, get enough sleep and pay attention to relaxing physical exercises.

Prevention of intercostal neuralgia

A few words about disease prevention. It is recommended to avoid colds and hypothermia. If inflammatory processes appear in closely located tissues and organs, start the fight with them immediately.

  1. Manual therapy is good in terms of restoring the correct position of the upper spine. It has a beneficial effect on the state of ligaments and muscles, restoring natural functions.
  2. Japanese massage - finger pressure on the active points of the human body that are directly related to the affected organ. This technique stimulates the protection of the body and contributes to the psychological comfort of a person.
  3. Acupuncture is no less effective. One course consists of several stages. To obtain the result, three courses are carried out with pauses of 60 days.
  4. Therapeutic massage based on warming ointments relaxes muscles in the chest area and eliminates pain. It is impossible not to mention the exercises regularly performed on simulators of a medical-improving nature.

I hope that thanks to the material you will restore health faster. Use preventative measures comprehensively to mobilize the body's reserve forces.

Watch the video: Sports Medicine : How to Treat Pulled Rib Muscles (January 2025).

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