Features of caring for the Phalaenopsis Mix orchid at home after buying in a store

The orchid has come up with a centuries-old development path, and now you can admire beautiful flowers not only in greenhouses, but also at home. It is only necessary to take into account some features of caring for this exotic overseas beauty, and then the orchid will give a luxurious fragrant holiday, a wonderful mood and life success for the whole year.

In this article we will talk about the orchid mix, about its types, rules of care and methods of reproduction. We also recommend watching a useful and interesting video on this topic.

What it is?

Orchids Mix - belong to the orchid family, a type of phalaenopsis, evergreen orchid, it blooms very beautifully and for a long time. This variety is hybrid, obtained as a result of long and painstaking work of breeders.

What does it look like?

Phalaenopsis Mixes - evergreen orchids with beautiful, unusual flowers. It blooms long enough, and after cutting it feels good in bouquets and flower arrangements, so Mixes are often used to decorate rooms, cafes, offices, beauty salons.

This type of orchid has many relatives, gardeners have up to 40 species. The stalk is short, up to 30 - 35 cm, leaves are fleshy, dense. The flower exudes a spicy, sweet, unobtrusive aroma.

Biological description

Phalaenopsis mixes belong to the oldest family of orchids, the genus epiphytic (grow on tree trunks, on stumps, in gorges of rocks, in mountain forests, on stones). The homeland of his ancestors is Australia, southeast Asia, and any tropical terrain.

Phalaenopsis Mix is ​​a perennial plant, blooms for a long time, does not “fall asleep”. The leaves are no more than 25 - 30 cm, green, dense, the stems are also small, grow up to 35 cm.

Distinctive features

"Mix" - literally - mixing, mixing the elements, use the term in music when mixing musical instruments and vocals to get a song.

Phalaenopsis Mix - hybrid, mixing several varieties, the result was a well-adapted harmonious masterpiece - an orchid for an apartment and a house (we talked more about the popular varieties and types of Phalaenopsis orchid here). For beginner collectors - the perfect choice. Mixa orchids are diverse in shape, color, size and lifestyle (to learn about what color happens in the natural environment of phalaenopsis, you can here).

Mixes feature is that it is not whimsical, it is easy to care for it, observe the correct watering, temperature. It can bloom 3 times a year - generously, isn't it?

IMPORTANT: This type of orchid does not tolerate stuffiness, ventilation is mandatory, even in winter there should be good air circulation. But beware of drafts.

History of occurrence

The ancient ancestors of the phalaenopsis do not tolerate the European climate, because Orchid Homeland - Wet Tropical Asia. Therefore, breeders more than 100 years ago adapted, “tamed” the oriental beauty to our conditions.

And the brilliant discovery of phalaenopsis happened quite by accident, in the distant 19th century. Karl Blume, director of the Botanical Garden, discovered exotic flowers while traveling around the Malay Archipelago, mistaking them for nocturnal butterflies. Since then, the mysterious orchid has been called phalaenopsis, which in Greek means "similar to a moth." And, if you look closely, the shape of the flower resembles a butterfly - symmetrical, the petals are the same in shape and color.

The first hybrid of this species was bred by Henry Velbrunn in 1980, the flower was named "Micro Nova". And after a while, breeders bred such varieties as "Mini-Mark", "Luddeman", "Mix", etc.

Description of species and photos

Orchid Mix

Sunny, warm, very tender, flowers of pleasant bright yellow color, similar to magic lanterns. This mix is ​​very easy to clean.. Fills the world with a positive, invigorating aura. Its height is 12-15 cm, the leaves are bright green, oblong.

Orchid Mix 2 trunks

Bright, colorful, saturated flowers of this species can be snow-white modest and meek, and can be defiantly burgundy. This unpretentious miracle is a hybrid with two trunks densely strewn with inflorescences of the most amazing colors and shades. The flower is unpretentious, loves the sun and warmth, and in response gives the same gamut of positive emotions.

How to care after the store?

Choosing flowers in stores, it is surprising that they are fresh and peppy, fragrant. So that our flower after purchase is also healthy and feels great, that adaptation, getting used to the house went smoothly and painlessly, you need to ensure proper care.


This is almost the most important element in the well-being of orchids. Mixes, like many of his relatives, love the lightbut only distracted, careful, avoid the bright sun, it will simply burn out the leaves. It is best located in the east and west, where the light is sufficient and gentle. If this is not possible, obscure the windows with a light curtain or blinds.

ATTENTION: Light must be supplied for at least 12 hours. In winter, use phytolamps, they will support the light regime of orchids.

Watch a video about the proper lighting of orchids:


Mixes love light from different sides and from a short distance. Otherwise, they will have to reach for the light, and this distorts the perfect shape of the flowers, and even the leaves may twist and deform. Help the flower get full sun baths.


The pot for these orchids must be transparent, only then the process of photosynthesis will not be disturbed. After all, it is known that not only the leaves, but also the roots participate in this process.


In summer 20-25 ° C, and in winter at least 16-18 ° C. Mixes do not like cold. A slight decrease in temperature from these standards is possible, but be careful, the flower should not be cold, at least 13-14 ° C. As for all phalaenopsis, the temperature difference at night and day is very important - 5-6 ° C.

Only under these conditions, flowering is ensured, otherwise our magnificent Mix will start to doze, slow down in development. It is very important not to overheat the air, not to dry its leaves and roots. If in winter the temperature is more than 25 ° C, you are unlikely to wait for plentiful flowering!

Air humidity

Tropical Mix loves warm humidity, the best rate is 60%. The permissible norm is 30%, but not lower! Too dry air provokes flower diseases. Place a tray with wet pebbles nearby, this will help stabilize humidity and create a favorite environment for orchids. But waterlogging is also dangerous for the exquisite Mix. He begins to rot, you can lose the flower.

Watering Tips

In the summer it is advisable to refresh the orchid with small irrigation - spraying. But drops should not accumulate in the sinuses and socket, wipe them to avoid decay of the leaves. It is undesirable to get water on the flowers themselves, spots may appear on them.

Phalaenopsis Mix requires moderate watering. In summer - every 3-4 days, in winter we reduce watering to 1 time in two weeks.

In general, watch your pet, water when he needs it. The main rule of watering is the complete drying of the substrate. Take a small piece of bark from the pot, if it is sufficiently dry - water the flower. Beware of excessive watering - a fungus may appear, it is very dangerous.

The safest way to water is bathing a flower. For 10 -15 minutes, lower the pot into a bucket of clean, decanted water. He himself will adjust the required amount - he will take as much water as he needs.

TIP: Water should be warm, approximately 28 ° C, not more. Hot or cold water should not be watered. Do not use tap water; take purified, filtered or distilled water.

Watch the video about the proper watering of phalaenopsis:

By transplant

No need to disturb the flower often. It is then difficult for him to master in a new place. Once every 2 to 3 years, you can transplant the Mix into a larger potif the roots have grown, and he became cramped. An orchid is usually transplanted after it fades. Usually this is the end of spring, the beginning of summer.

Florists argue that it is the spring "relocation" of phalaenopsis that they tolerate painlessly, the flower adapts well and does not get sick. Do not touch the flower during flowering, do not violate its natural cycle, it can stop flowering or even drop flowers. Wait for the relative dormancy of the orchid.

It is better to buy the substrate in the store, but you can do it yourselfHaving correctly determined its composition:

  • pieces of coal;
  • tree bark;
  • moss sphagnum;
  • whether small shells are expanded clay.

You can use this composition:

  • pebbles, expanded clay or crushed stone - for a drainage system;
  • 10 parts of charcoal;
  • 1 part of dry pine bark.

The transplant procedure is simple, follow the sequence:

  1. We take a transparent pot one size larger than the previous one with holes on the bottom and sides.
  2. At the bottom of the pot we place a layer of drainage - pebbles, shells, pebbles, etc.
  3. We carefully examine and clean the roots - we cut off the dried up, rotten processes and carefully clean them of the old soil.
  4. Disinfect slice areas with charcoal or cinnamon.
  5. Look at the root for parasites and pests, we transplant only a healthy flower.
  6. The plant is placed in a new pot and gently fall asleep with the prepared substrate.
  7. Do not press down so as not to damage the fragile root.
  8. After transplanting during irrigation, it is recommended to add zircon to the water: 2 drops per glass of water, this helps the flower to start working faster.

Watch the video about the correct phalaenopsis transplant:

By breeding

Orchid Mix propagates with the help of "kids" - shoots, they appear on a peduncle or on a leaf outlet. Separate the "kids" only when the roots appear. Only after that we send the little Mix to our own pot.

Necessary conditions and actions during reproduction Mix:

  1. The leaves of the "baby" should be 2 - 3 cm, spine grow up to 5 cm.
  2. Separate the baby from an adult flower, disinfect the "wound" with charcoal.
  3. We are preparing a small "nursery": a florarium, a greenhouse, you can equip an aquarium.
  4. We put moist expanded clay on the bottom of the aquarium - we need moisture and heat.
  5. "Kids" are defined in small transparent pots.
  6. Pour the substrate from the bark of trees and moss for 2 minutes with boiling water for disinfection.
  7. With the cooled substrate we fall asleep roots.
  8. We put the pots on the pallet and place it in the aquarium.
  9. About a year, small orchids are kept in the "nursery".
  10. We care for them in the same way as for adult flowers.

Watch a video about orchid propagation by children:

Diseases and Pests

All phalaenopsis diseases are associated with improper care at home. Phalaenopsis Mix orchid disease:

  • Suppurations form when a flower cools and receives too much fluid. It is necessary to immediately transplant an orchid, change the substrate to fresh, reduce watering. Set the pot in a lighter and warmer place.
  • Dry spots on the leaves appear in hot weather with a lack of moisture and low humidity. Remove the orchid in a dark place, add spraying.

Dangerous pests:

  • Worms and scale insects are enemies of stems, leaves and peduncles. They attack the orchid if it dries up, affect the axils of the leaves, yellow and then dark spots appear. Orchid is covered with black sticky dew.

    It will help spraying once a week, repeat at least three times for prevention. Use fitoverm. You can do spraying with a soap solution, and remove insects with a cotton swab. The treatment is long, laborious.

  • Various aphids eat buds of flowers and leaves. Aphids feed on leaf sap; orchids can die. Florists recommend spraying tincture of tobacco with ordinary soap. For indoor flowers, you can use fitoverm or any drugs against aphids.

    When you are processing drugs, it is better to cover the soil. After 24 hours, the orchid should be rinsed with a “medicine”. Repeat the procedure after a week. We treat a flower for 3-4 weeks.


Orchids Mix - an exotic cocktail of color and aroma, a mixture of styles and tastes, a holiday, a great mood. A small flower fills your home with rainbow hopes and the wildest dreams of beauty, is the key to good luck, vitality and well-being of the owners.

Watch the video: ORCHID CARE REPOTTING ORCHIDS REPLANTING ORCHIDS Shirley Bovshow (October 2024).

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