Features of the course of allergies to orchids in children and adults, as well as prevention and treatment methods

An allergic reaction caused by flowering plants is a fairly common phenomenon today. Potted flowers, including orchids, are no exception.

A florist with a weak immune system should carefully monitor whether there are any allergy symptoms after buying an orchid.

From the article you will learn why this flower can cause allergies, whether there is intolerance in adults and children, and also what treatment methods are suitable.

Does the plant cause intolerance?

There is an opinion that the cultivation of orchids does not threaten allergy sufferers with health problems. This is not entirely true. The pollen of such a plant does not have the ability to fly apart, because it is glued into lumps. But despite this, allergic rhinitis and dermatitis, although not often, are fixed by specialists, and this must be taken into account.

In adults

Is there an allergy to orchids in adults and can this flower cause intolerance to the body? Most often, symptoms occur after direct contact with the plant.

Planting, fertilizing, replacing the soil - all this means touching the flower. And then, through the respiratory system, the allergen enters the body.

And if the immune system of the grower does not cope with the provoking substance, then soon the symptoms of allergies will begin to appear.

In children

Can an orchid cause allergies or intolerances in children? The child's body is weaker and allergic reactions to flowering house plants can appear without close contact with the orchid. In some cases, get close enough to the flower or smell it. Most often, the respiratory system suffers, therefore, with a sudden deterioration in the child’s health, one cannot exclude including allergies to orchids.

What is an annoying factor?

It is important to understand that there may be several allergen options:

  • pollen of the plant itself;
  • orchid care products;
  • substances that are in the ground.

Moreover, the two extreme options are the most likely.

ATTENTION! To find out exactly what an allergy appeared in an individual person is mandatory, the success of treatment depends on this.


The occurrence of allergies is a response of the immune system to a provoking substancefor example, on pollen of an orchid. Symptoms usually do not appear immediately. First, the body forms a specific sensitivity and only with repeated contact with the flower allergic signs appear.

Small children, people with pathology of the respiratory or endocrine system, patients who often take medications are all at risk. It is for them that experts recommend paying close attention to all changes in the body that begin to occur after the acquisition of orchids.


The most common symptoms affect the respiratory system. It can be:

  • discharge from the nose or its full stuffiness;
  • coughing or sneezing;
  • sore throat.

Other possible manifestations:

  • redness of the eyes;
  • lacrimation
  • skin rashes;
  • itchy skin;
  • temperature rise.
IMPORTANT! If such symptoms appear only during the flowering period of the orchid, then most likely an allergy to pollen. If in other periods - this is a reaction either to the chemistry for care, or to the components of the substrate.

Treatment methods

As soon as the first signs of an allergy have appeared, it is necessary to abandon the interaction with the flower. Better to get him out of the house. If this is not possible, then at least shift the care of the plant to another family member who does not have such a painful reaction to the allergen. After that, you need to start treatment as soon as possible.

Folk remedies

Chamomile broth

This is one of the popular dermatitis allergy solutions.:

  1. To prepare the broth mix 500 ml of water and 1 tablespoon of pharmacy chamomile.
  2. All this is heated for 15 minutes in a water bath, then filtered.
  3. Ready broth is drunk in 50 ml before meals.

They can also wipe the skin.

Infusion of herbs

This tool is very good to use it for allergic manifestations in the nose or throat. For cooking, you need to take:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • a series of;
  • motherwort.

Cook like that:

  1. The herbs need to be chopped, and then mixed in equal proportions.
  2. 1 liter of boiling water is poured into 1 cup of this herbal mass, after which the mixture should be infused for at least 2 hours.
  3. Before use, the infusion must be filtered.

It is used as a rinse or rinse to cleanse the nasopharynx from an allergen.

Tea lotions

Such a folk remedy will help those who have allergy symptoms in their eyes in the form of redness or itching.

  1. For lotions, pour 2 tea bags with boiling water, leave them for a few minutes, then remove, squeeze and cool.
  2. With a cotton swab dipped in tea, you need to wipe your eyes, thus removing the allergen.
  3. Then attach tea bags to the eyes and hold them for at least 20 minutes.


TIP! The choice of a specific tool is best entrusted to the doctor. Especially in severe allergies, do not self-medicate. Moreover, you do not need to try to mix the drugs yourself.

If the manifestations of allergies are quite pronounced, then medications can not be dispensed with. They are available in various forms:

  • ointments;
  • pills;
  • Sprays
  • drops;
  • lotions etc.

But if there is no opportunity to visit a doctor quickly, and allergic symptoms need to be removed, then widespread antihistamines will come to the rescue:

  • "Tsetrin."
  • Fenistil.
  • Tavegil.
  • Suprastin.
  • The Zodak.
  • Zirtek, etc.

Flowers that do not lead to an organism reaction

Orchids that would not cause allergies - no. Still, there is pollen on the flower, which means there is always a chance that someone's immune system will react to it. Often it is the florist himself who provokes such a reaction by smelling a flower or rubbing his nose with his hands in the process of caring for the plant.


Properly performed prophylaxis can reduce the possibility of allergies to zero.

  1. It is necessary to regularly air the room in which the flowers stand. Regular wet cleaning is also necessary. This will help get rid of allergens.
  2. Do not place flower pots near those places where you spend a lot of time, i.e. in the bedroom or, for example, in the office.
  3. It is better to minimize the use of chemicals to care for and fertilize orchids. This is especially true for spray preparations that need to be sprayed.

If all these measures do not give any effect, then there is nothing left but to remove the flower from the apartment in general. Health is more expensive! For more information about whether the orchid can be kept in the house, whether it is poisonous or not, it causes harm or harm to the human body, find out in this article.


Still, allergies to pollen from the orchid itself are very rare.. And with the observance of preventive measures, this probability decreases by several times. Therefore, before getting rid of this magnificent plant, make sure that the symptoms of allergies arise precisely on it. Indeed, even the most microscopic tick in flower soil is quite capable of provoking a serious attack of suffocation. This problem is solved by simply changing the substrate to a new one that is not infected, and does not require drastic measures.

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