Propagate your favorite succulent: how to grow "living stones" from seeds and cuttings? Transplant and plant care

"Living stones" are plants of the Aizov family. Representatives of this genus are similar to "living pebbles." This type of succulents is widespread in indoor floriculture.

Since “living pebbles” are most often found in the hottest areas of South Africa, in the Cape and in the Karu desert, they are distinguished by their unusual stability, unpretentiousness and a variety of forms. This large group of plants is able to accumulate moisture in its tissues. It is easy to distinguish them by their appearance; they have thick, fleshy leaves. "Living stones" bloom beautifully.

How to grow succulent at home?

At home, only 4 types of "living stones" survive:

  • Conophytums;
  • Hibeums;
  • Lithops;
  • Lapidarium.

When growing succulents, it is necessary to approximate all the conditions to which they adapted in the desert:

  • Lighting. Since "living stones" mainly grow in deserts, they need a lot of sun and lighting. But without good ventilation, a large number of direct rays can harm them, give a pinkish burn on their body. In the cold period (in winter) it is better to add artificial lighting with the help of lamps.
  • Temperature. The optimum temperature for "living stones" is a temperature of 22-27 degrees. And in the dormant period, that is, in winter, it is better for them to adhere to a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees, and in this period they should never be watered, otherwise they will rot.
  • Location. The best place to grow these plants is the window sill of the southern window. It is not advisable to change the location, so that during the flowering period of the buds create optimal conditions, a constant orientation around the sun. It is necessary to ventilate the room in which they grow. Representatives of this species do not tolerate drafts and fluctuations in air temperature, cold air can be harmful to them.
  • Watering. It is necessary to water these plants after 9 pm. In the hot period, they need watering once a week. From September to October, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering to about 1 time in 2 weeks. From November to April, watering must be stopped. If at this time the leaves begin to wrinkle or dry out, then this is not a reason to resume watering. And then similarly, once every two weeks, once every 10 days, and again once a week in the summer.
  • Air humidity. "Living stones" does not matter the humidity in the room. They live well both in a dry room and in a wet one. Spraying is a mandatory procedure for most representatives of this species of plants precisely because in those places in which they grow in nature, drizzling rain constantly and dew settles on them in the morning.
  • Top dressing. Plants do not need frequent top dressing. During the rest period, feeding is not required at all. And from May to October, it is worth fertilizing only twice. It is recommended to use mineral supplements in liquid form, intended for cacti.Important: The concentration of fertilizers should be reduced by 2-4 times the recommended dose. Of course, feeding is better in early spring. At this time, they discard the skin from their leaves, it dries and falls off along the edges. Also, fertilizers should be applied only when there are symptoms of a lack of nutrients.
  • The soil. Land is preferably chosen for cacti and succulents. It is necessary to mix in a ratio of 1: 1: 1 (sand, ground for succulents, brick chips, fine clay and very fine drainage). Succulents are small picks, so it’s better to steam the land bought in the store in the oven over medium heat for half an hour, since the plant can get sick from the bacteria and bugs that live in it.
  • Pruning. "Living stones" do not need pruning. In the spring they usually have a molting period. They discard the skin from their leaves. You can’t remove it. This is an absolutely natural process.

Breeding methods


How to grow a plant from seeds at home and how do they look?

Seeds can be bought at the store or ask friends who already have these plants. They are easily pollinated by hand if there are two separately flowering plants. With a brush, you can transfer pollen from one flower to another. The seeds of the "living stones" are very small in size, similar to dust, almost invisible. This complicates their landing.

How to plant:

  1. For planting, it is necessary to put drainage on the bottom of the tank.
  2. The soil for succulents must be mixed with zeolite, a natural mineral that is very useful to all plants. You can add coconut. The soil should be light and loose.
  3. To quickly moisten the soil mixture, pour it with boiling water. For quick cooling, pour it with cold water and at the same time level the surface.
  4. It is necessary to sow seeds at the rate of 100pcs per pot size of 200ml. Sprinkle seeds evenly over the surface of the soil mixture.
  5. After sowing, the seeds are poured in one layer with sand with a fraction of 1 mm.

The seed germination period is about 2 weeks. Sowing care consists in daily ventilation and strict control over the temperature regime. Ventilate when condensation forms. Fruit ripening and seed ripening lasts approximately 9 months. The first year they do not need to be transplanted. The next year after molting, they are dived into new soil.


Unfortunately, not all "living stones" are propagated by cuttings, because cuttings are the best way to rejuvenate an elderly bushy plant. Thus, lithops does not propagate. Other live pebbles can easily be propagated by cuttings.

To propagate by cuttings, it is necessary to carefully cut a leaf with part of the stem and plant for rooting in the soil. The first watering is carried out only 3 weeks after planting, during which time the roots should grow on the stalk.

Tip: Some experienced growers recommend leaving the stem in the open air for drying for 1-2 days. Then the slice is treated with heteroauxin powder or colloidal sulfur.

The plant is rooted in a sandy substrate for a month. A rooted plant usually does not require any special conditions, watering is also usual. The time for breeding is the beginning of spring. In autumn and winter it is better not to plant, because due to a lack of light and heat, the plant will easily decay in moist soil.


Succulents need a transplant only when they get crowded in a pote. The pot should be wide and not tapering to the bottom.

How to transplant:

  1. The earth mixes with sand 1: 1, beaten small bricks and some more ash and clay are added. Watering the earth is not necessary.
  2. Pull the "living stone" out of the old pot very carefully. It is necessary to separate the earth, remove dry leaves.
  3. Pour drainage (2-3 cm) into the pot with large drainage holes, then press the ground. Next, you need to make a deepening under the depth of the roots.
  4. Insert the plant so that the neck of the flower is not covered with earth. Sprinkle sand on top so that the plant does not touch the ground, otherwise it will rot.
  5. After planting, it is necessary to put in a sunny place.

We recommend watching a video about transplanting "Living stones":

Difficulty in care

  • "Living stones" are succulents that prefer to grow in families of three flowers or more. One plant usually does not survive.
  • If the plant has shrunk, this is a sure sign that it needs to be watered, but watered moderately and better around it, it is better not to pour water directly on it.
  • If he has small dents, it means that he was poured, it is necessary to reduce watering.
  • Due to the fact that "living stones" are watered very rarely, the appearance of a mealybug is possible. It is such a pest that appears in dried land. How, then, to care for the plant? For prevention, you need to mix a garlic broth with pieces of soap, and pour the plant with this solution.
  • In low light, the succulent is extended. Sometimes in summer, a new pair of leaves grows, and the old one does not dry out. In this case, the flower grows in height and weakens. This will not happen if you keep the succulent in direct sunlight. Due to poor lighting, it may also not bloom.

"Living pebbles" are very unpretentious plants and, with proper care, will delight you for many years.

Watch the video: How to Propagate Succulents Fast n Easy (October 2024).

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