Exclusive Money Tree - How to grow with a thick trunk?

Money tree (aka fat girl or Crassula) has long gained popularity among lovers of indoor plants because of its unpretentiousness and original appearance. If you want to add more exclusivity to your miniature home tree, try growing a thick trunk trunk. What should be the trunk of a money tree? How to make it thicker? How to contribute to the "thickening" of the plant stem during cultivation? The answer is further.

Can this be achieved if the tree is already an adult?

It is better to start thickening the stalk in a young plant. An adult tree, unfortunately, does not lend itself well to such manipulations.

The only way: if your money tree has branches low to the ground, try pruning them. Process the slice with powdered charcoal or ash. You can add a little earth so that the distance between the soil and the trimmed branches remains minimal. The plant will give additional roots, and the trunk will begin to expand. But it is easier to plant a new plant and tackle its proper formation.

The diameter of the stem of Crassula

  • The appearance of the rosula largely depends on which pot it was planted in. It does not fit big and deep - in this case, the plant develops roots, and the aerial part will be weak.
  • Light is important. Insufficient lighting causes the money tree to stretch out, branches and table become thin and stunted.

The diameter of the trunk, of course, depends on the size of the whole plant, but on average it should be from 2-3 cm (with a height of not more than 30 cm) up to 5-7 cm in large plants. The thick stem positively affects the formation of a thick and healthy crown of the plant.

Attention! When a plant has a poorly developed thin trunk, the danger is great that it can break under the weight of the crown!

How to thicken?

So, you need to set the right direction for the formation of a powerful money tree from the very beginning, choosing the right pot for planting and identifying your plants in a suitable place.

  • Use flat, shallow but wide flowerpots.
  • Position the crassula on the south and southeast windows. If this is not possible and there is little light (especially in autumn and winter), use additional artificial lighting.
  • Winter is the best time to form the thickness of the trunk. Try pinching the upper buds on twigs (tweezers or clean fingers). Young shoots must be torn off in a rotational movement so as not to damage the entire branch.
  • You can also cut the last 2-3 sheets. So you will delay the growth of the crown, and the forces of the plant will go to increase the stem. Pruning is best done in February-March. You can safely remove large branches in the process, if they spoil the appearance of the plant.
  • In a neglected situation, you can apply a more cardinal method - cut the stem at the required height. This should be done with a sharp clean knife at a right angle, immediately above the age ring around the trunk. Sprinkle the slice with crushed charcoal.
  • It is useful to transplant a fatty woman once every 1-2 years. If during a transplant you notice that the root is very long, you can shorten it. Side roots cannot be trimmed. The underground part of the plant should be "bushy."

Growing from scratch

How to grow a fat girl, having only planting material?

  1. We buy the right pot - low, wide, height not more than 10 cm. The diameter of the pot should be approximately equal to the crown of the plant. But for the first landing - no more than 10 cm.
  2. Soil is a mixture of sheet land, sand and peat (2: 2: 1). You can buy ready-made soil for cacti and succulents.
  3. Drainage to the bottom of the pot is best done from expanded clay or fragments of brick - at least 2 cm.
  4. Getting planting material is easy - cut and put a young twig of a money tree in water, after a few days it will give roots, and it can be transplanted into the ground.
  5. The second way to get young shoots is from a leaf of an adult plant. To do this, plant the sheet in the ground or wet sand. First, it will take root, then a sprout will appear, after which you can transplant a small rossula to a new place of residence.
  6. As soon as 4 pairs of leaves grow on a young plant, pinch the top. The optimal height is 10-15 cm.
  7. Regularly rotate the plant so that it does not stretch toward the light in one direction - this will help to avoid curvature of the stem and uneven growth of the crown.
  8. In winter and spring, restrain the growth of branches by pruning and pinching. Regular pruning provides the necessary power to the trunk, and it thickens. You need to trim 2.5 cm below the place where you would like to see new shoots. First of all, remove downward, creeping branches.Reference! Pruning is best done in several stages, allowing the plant to gain strength. No need to immediately “bare” the money tree.
  9. Remove large leaves or shoots growing on the bottom of the stem.
  10. In spring, feed the plant with fertilizers (Kornevin, Epin) or a sugar solution (1 liter of water - 0.5 teaspoon of granulated sugar).

Pay a little attention to the money tree, then you can affect its appearance in time, and the fat girl will decorate your house with its flowering, healthy and aesthetic appearance.

Useful video

We suggest you watch a video on how to grow a money tree with a thick trunk:

Watch the video: Jade Bonsai How to Create Thick TrunkOVD (October 2024).

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