Spectacular black rose: a description of the varieties with a photo. Where to get seeds, how to paint or grow a flower yourself?

Florists claim that the most popular flowers on the planet are still roses. The amazing variety of their varieties allows you to easily choose the right flower for any occasion and for the most demanding taste.

For a particularly solemn atmosphere, black roses are increasingly chosen, so effectively combining impeccable style and mystery. Consider the history of plant breeding, a description of the varieties, as well as whether there are natural black roses in nature, how to obtain an artificially black color of a flower, photos of beautiful samples are presented.

Do they exist in nature?

The main mystery of black roses, perhaps, is that they do not exist. This is explained by the fact that these plants simply do not have the genes responsible for the black color.

All the "black" roses that can be found now are most often divided into two types:

  1. Special varieties (usually include the word "Black" in the names), which in reality turn out to be just very dark raspberry, purple or red. But under certain lighting conditions, they appear completely black.
  2. Artificially painted black. Depending on the dye used, sometimes they do not look very natural, they die quickly, but they cost much cheaper than the original dark varieties.

A brief history of how were selected

This species still can not boast of a too long history.:

  • The first mention of black roses is associated with the ancient Turkish city of Halfeti. Here, thanks to the unique composition of the soil, plants with really black petals appeared. Then they remarkably crossed with local varieties of roses. The result was almost perfectly black flowers with a touch of purple and maroon.
  • After the flooding of Halfeti, local roses could not take root in a different soil, changed their color and are now considered an extinct species.
  • Active breeding work began in the 1870s. Outstanding results were achieved by the French company Delbar (Delbard), creating the most interesting varieties "Black Pearl" (1975) and "Malicorne" (2000). No less famous were the works of other nurseries: Black Baccarat (Meyan firm, 2004), Black Madonna (Cordes firm, 1992).
  • At the moment, a completely black rose still does not exist.

Description of varieties and photos with them

Original varieties close to black always amaze with nuances of color, subtle natural shimmer and aroma. There are a great many of them.

They are especially popular.

"Black Magic" ("Black Magic")

  • Variety "Black Magic" was bred in 1997 by the German selection company "Tantau".
  • Relatively unpretentious, hardy, resistant to disease and slight frost. Feel great in a dry climate.

    The higher the acidity of the soil, the darker the color of the petals of "Black Magic" will be.

  • Appearance. Buds (diameter up to 14 cm) - conical in shape with velvety petals of medium size, beautifully curved down. Coloring - at the beginning of flowering they have a maroon shade, by autumn beautiful dark tides appear on the petals. Thanks to them, the rose appears almost black in suitable lighting. The leaves are glossy, bright green in color. There are few, medium sized spikes. A bush up to one meter high, sprawling and powerful, flowers appear singly or with brushes.
  • It has a delicate, subtle aroma.

"Black Tea" ("Black Tea")

  • Hybrid tea variety, bred by Japanese florists in 1973.
  • It is considered the most unusual of black roses. Another name is Coffee Rose.
  • It differs in very large inflorescences of an exceptionally elegant shape. Color - originally scarlet with a soft coral gray tint. Gradually, the color changes to a deep dark brown.
  • A very rare plant in horticulture. Almost never found in free sale.

Perle Noire (Black Pearl)

  • Hybrid tea variety developed by the French company Delbar in the early 2000s.
  • Extremely whimsical care. It is one of the noblest and most rare plants.
  • Dense velvety flowers with a diameter of up to 14 cm have a dark red color, as close as possible to black. The middle of the flower is purple. The bush is erect, up to 140 cm tall. The foliage is matte, dark green.

"Black Beauty" ("Black Beauty")

  • Hybrid Tea Rose, selected by Delbar in 1973.
  • The darkest rose on the planet.
  • It has velvet petals, dark purple in color with a pronounced black tint. Flowers are up to 10 cm in diameter. Bush - up to one meta tall.
  • It is whimsical, it does not tolerate cooling at all, often suffers from fungal diseases. Great for cutting.
  • It has a strong, but amazingly pleasant aroma.


  • Bred by breeders of the German company Tantau in 1988.
  • It is steady against any adverse conditions, is in great demand among gardeners. Also great for cutting and for a long time does not lose its presentation.
  • The bush is non-spreading, often grows unevenly, one-sided, height - up to 1.5 meters. Reddish leaves, gradually changing color to deep green. The buds are black, when opened, they acquire a dark red hue, darker to the edges of the petals. In cool conditions, black appears more noticeably. There are few thorns.
  • The aroma is unobtrusive, light and pleasant.

Schwarze Madonna (Black Madonna)

  • One of the darkest tea rose hybrids.
  • Terry flower (up to 12 cm in diameter) - saturated dark red color, matte and velvety. Vividly contrasts with shiny reddish foliage. It blooms very abundantly and grows widely. Great in cut.
  • It is believed that this variety has no smell.

"Black Prince"

  • It was bred in England at the end of the 19th century.
  • Flowers (diameter up to 9 cm) are dark purple in color, and the color of each pointed petal shimmers noticeably from the middle to the edges, which creates an interesting effect of "velvet flickering" of the entire inflorescence. The height of the bush is up to 1.5 meters. The leaves are reddish, medium in size, but grow abundantly.
  • It has a strong aroma with subtle wine notes.
  • It requires careful care, is not very resistant to disease and a cool climate.

Where and for how much seed can I buy?

Many varieties of black roses are extremely rare on sale, and it is quite difficult to buy them. It is even more difficult to acquire their seeds in Russia.

The most common and affordable:

  1. "Black Prince" - about 300-500 rubles (according to Moscow online stores "Rose Magic", "Darwin" and RosAgro) and 349 rubles ("Altai Seeds").
  2. "Black Pearl" - 590-740 rubles per seedling (online store "Lafa" and 297 rubles (packing 2 g.) In stores of the network "Seeds of Altai".
  3. Black Baccarat - 210 rubles (in RosAgro).
  4. Norita - 650 rubles (online store GrandiFlora).
  5. Huts - 690 rubles (online store GrandiFlora).

Step-by-step instruction: how to paint in a similar color?

Buying an original black rose is not easy, but, if desired, it can be easily obtained by painting.

The choice of varieties for painting

  • The rose must be fresh.
  • The buds must be closed.
  • The stem is long and even.
  • It is preferable to choose white roses for painting. In an extreme case, a good result is obtained when using cream or light yellow colors.
  • Ideal for painting is considered a variety of "Wendela."


  • Warm water.
  • Any convenient container (glass, vase, etc.).
  • Sharp knife.
  • Dye. It can be absolutely anything (black ink, food coloring, gouache, a marker pin), but it is preferable to use a specialized paint for flowers. So the painted rose will not lose its presentation for much longer and will look more natural. However, you can rarely find such paint and only in special online stores.


Keep in mind that painting roses takes a long time (from 15 to 28 hours).

  1. When painting, the color and leaves on the stem will change. Therefore, it is recommended to cut them off before starting work.
  2. Thoroughly dissolve the selected dye in a container of warm water. The color of the water should be as dense and saturated as possible.
  3. Add a little sugar to the solution so that the dye is absorbed better.
  4. With a knife, cut the stem diagonally (indent from the edge - about 1 cm). It is recommended to make the cut area as large as possible for better hydration.
  5. Immediately after trimming, it is recommended to hold the cut under running water to remove small air bubbles.
  6. Place the rose in a container with the solution and keep at room temperature for at least 15 hours. The longer the flower will be stained in this way, the richer the resulting color.
  7. Once the petals are sufficiently colored, place the flower in a container of clean water.

Step-by-step instruction: how to grow and where to grow?


It is recommended to buy and plant black roses in early autumn. This increases the chances of acquiring fresh planting material that will take root well, will be strong and healthy.


  1. For planting, seedlings of at least 2 years old are selected. Before planting, you need to pay attention to the bark of the stems (it must be juicy and have a lively gloss) and the root system (it must not be damaged and too dry).
  2. Use a sharp knife to remove dry and damaged roots, cutting the roots of the seedling about half.
  3. In the same way, cut the shoots by 14-18 cm.
  4. Place the seedling in clean room temperature water. There he will remain until transplanting into the ground.

Choosing a place to land:

  • Do not plant black roses where direct sunlight prevails. This leads to fading of flowers, loss of decorative qualities and even wilting.
  • Also, the place for the rosary needs to be protected from strong winds.
  • Black varieties are great not only for growing in flowerbeds, but also as hedges, in alpine slides.

Landing technology:

  1. Prepare a landing hole (diameter - 0.5 to 0.5 m). Its depth should be approximately 10 cm greater than the root of the seedling.
  2. At the bottom, it is recommended to fill up the drainage (broken brick, expanded clay, small pebbles); sprinkle with fertile soil.
  3. If necessary, plant several bushes, the holes are dug up taking into account the mandatory interval of about 0.9-1.5 meters.
  4. Pour 10 liters of water with a solution of heteroauxin into each prepared well.
  5. Before landing, the bottom of the pit must be loosened.
  6. Remove the previously prepared seedling from the water and place it in a hole, carefully spreading the roots.
  7. The space remaining in the pit should be filled with earth mixed with compost and 1-2 glasses of wood ash.
  8. Tamp the soil lightly and water it abundantly (preferably in several passes).


  • Temperature. Typically, frosts are well tolerated to -20 ° C, but for the winter they are still better to cover. The latest hybrids are more resistant to frost.
  • Humidity. Black roses prefer a dry climate. High humidity often leads to diseases and pests.
  • Watering. Experts recommend watering rose bushes about once a week. But an individual approach is still preferable - the amount and frequency of watering is selected depending on the state of the soil and the plant itself.
  • Top dressing. Prefer organic fertilizers (rotted cow manure, infusion of weeds and nettles, wood ash, urea, nitrate).

Black rose is a special flower designed for special occasions. This must be remembered, wanting to impress someone with an original bouquet. It will be appreciated by people with a strong character and lovers of exotic.

Watch the video: Put A Rose Cutting In A Potato And Watch It GROW!!! (October 2024).

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