Compatibility of cultures among themselves. Is it possible to plant radishes after him and which neighbors are better?

To get a good harvest, many gardeners and gardeners plant various types of vegetable crops and herbs on the beds.

But in order for the result to really disappoint, you need to know which cultures can be adjacent to one ridge, and which combination is undesirable. In this article we will talk about a crop such as radish and find out with which vegetables and herbs it is permissible to plant and with which it is not necessary.

Why is there compatibility between different vegetable crops?

When planting different types of crops, you need to consider that some of them are depressing for others. For example, tomatoes suppress cucumbers, and beans suppress onions. Such an action is associated with unilateral or mutual shading and differences in the exactingness of the growing conditions. However, there are combinations in which plants feel favorably.

What depends on her?

Observing the rules of compatibility of different cultures, you can get many advantages:

  1. Different cultures feed on different trace elements found in the ground. This helps to avoid unilateral depletion of the soil.
  2. Substances that are secreted at the roots of one plant affect the size and taste of the neighboring vegetable.
  3. With the correct placement of vegetable crops in the beds, you can harvest from spring until the first frost.
  4. Various odors that emit the leaves and fruits of certain plants help to deter many pests. Thanks to this, vegetables remain healthy.
  5. Landing compatibility saves space on the garden.
Planting several plants in one place reduces the fatigue of the earth, and makes it possible to abandon crop rotation.

After which crops is it better to sow the seeds for next year?

Radish - early ripening and quite cold-resistant. Its ripening period is 16-30 days. It can be alternated with many vegetables that do not belong to the cruciferous family.

Well, this vegetable will grow after cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, potatoes. It is also possible to plant after tomatoes or legumes, because they take different nutrients from the soil with radishes. And this means that radishes will have enough micronutrients in the soil after tomatoes, potatoes or eggplant.

Do not plant radish after cabbage, turnip, radish or salad. All of them belong to the crucifer family, they have the same pests and diseases. If you plant a radish after vegetables similar to it, it can become sick and prevent a crop.

Is it possible to place a vegetable next to onions, cucumbers, tomatoes?

Radish is one of the few crops that barely deplete the soil.

Carrots, onions, parsley are planted next to the radish in mixed seeding.. It is recommended to plant with seedlings of cucumbers or tomatoes.

Since the radish is an early ripe vegetable, then by the time onions, carrots, tomatoes or other vegetables grow, this vegetable crop is already ripe and you will remove it from the garden.

What to sow in the same year in the summer after radish?

After the radish, it is best to plant melons, pumpkin, watermelons, zucchini, peas, beans, various spicy plants, because they have practically no common diseases and pests, and they will feel great in the garden.

After harvesting the radish, the site should be well cleaned of the remains of the plant, remove the roots of weeds, dig a ridge.

It is advisable to fertilize the soil with urea or compost. Plants with a different root system should be planted at the site of the radish. And, of course, after cleaning, the earth needs to be given a rest.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants are great for planting on the radish site. These vegetables do not have common enemies with cruciferous ones (radish, turnip, radish, cabbage). And the smell of tomatoes well eliminates the cruciferous fly, some species of aphids.

Some plants during the growing season feed on certain nutrients found in the soil. If next year a similar crop is planted on the same site, then you can’t expect a big crop.

Is radish possible again?

Many gardeners are of the opinion that it is possible to plant radishes twice in the same place, as it is precocious. Others do not share this opinion. Indeed, pests of cruciferous crops accumulate in the soil. AND if you plant radishes again on the same site, there is a risk that the crop will not yield a good harvest or perish.

It all depends on the soil. The more fertile the land, the greater the yield you get. If you add land from another site, for example, from a bed with carrots or cucumbers, then you can plant radishes. In the absence of disease, many plants plant several times during the radish season.

Consequences of the violation of plant compatibility

If incompatible vegetables are planted on a single bed, they can negatively affect each other, since all seedlings secrete volatile produce, which in turn negatively or positively affect neighbors.

Wrong "neighborhood" of vegetable crops leads to a number of negative consequences:

  • This will attract insects that are harmful to young plants.
  • Due to the negative influence of one culture on another, one of the plant species may develop poorly or stop growing.
  • This is fraught with damage to a fungal infection due to overmoistening.

Experienced gardeners make a plan of the garden and divide the plot into beds, taking into account the rules of crop rotation and the compatibility of different crops. As for the radish, due to the early maturity of this vegetable crop, it is possible to plant it with many other vegetables and herbs, and almost any crop can be sown after the radish.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video about what you can plant with radishes on the same bed:

Watch the video: The Next PlayStation - This is Only a Test 521 - 101019 (January 2025).

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