Top varieties of large radish: what to choose for growing in different conditions? Feature and photo

Radish is a root crop, which is one of the first in the spring to replenish our diet with fresh vitamins. A variety of species, a simple agricultural farming technique, the ability to give a good harvest in adverse weather conditions and early maturity - all these properties attract both beginners and experienced gardeners.

Large-fruited radish varieties are in special demand. From the article you will find out which varieties of large radishes are better to choose for cultivation in various conditions.

What vegetable is considered large-fruited?

What are the criteria for attributing radishes to large-fruited? The main parameters that you should focus on are excellent for root crops of various shapes:

  1. Round radish considered large if the diameter of the root crop is 30-40 mm, and the weight is more than 20 g.
  2. Cylindrical Radish It will also be large if its weight is 25 g or more, its diameter is 40 mm, and its length is more than 40 mm.

The weight of the root crop is affected not only by its size, but also by the density of the pulp. Radishes with dense, juicy pulp, without voids at the same size can weigh up to 70 g.

When choosing a variety, it is necessary to consider that the parameters of the grown radish may differ from those stated on the label, and the size of the fetus may be normal. Remember that in specialized agricultural firms seed material is grown under the most favorable conditions.

Varieties of Radishes

Radish grows equally well in open ground and in a greenhouse, as it is unpretentious, grows quickly and is resistant to negative factors. In addition, the root crop can be grown all year round at home.

By maturity, radish varieties are divided into:

  • early
  • mid-season;
  • late ripening.
Reference! Growing early varieties, the crop can be obtained in 18-30 days. Mid-ripening ripen from 32 to 40 days, in later - the growing season is 40-50 days.

On which varieties of large radish do you choose to get a crop in various conditions?

For growing a house - on a windowsill or balcony

For growing radishes at home, it is better to choose early ripe hybrids.

When choosing hybrids and varieties for home cultivation, opt for options that are resistant to drying and lack of lighting.

Rudolph F1

Early ripening (20-23 days). The root crop is spherical, bright ruby ​​color. Differs in amicable ripening. The root crop grows to 25 g. The pulp is sweetish, of a pleasant taste, with a characteristic crunch. It tolerates a lack of light, has good immunity. With untimely cleaning, voids do not form inside. Root crops retain marketable qualities for a long time.

16 days

The most precocious (16-20 days). The size of the root crop is up to 5 cm, weight - 25 g. The radish is round, cherry red. The flesh is snow-white, taste with a slight spiciness. The disadvantage is that when the fruits mature, the fruits become watery. It does not shoot and does not crack.

Diego F1

Early ripe, unpretentious, resistant to flowering, does not form arrows. Tolerates low temperatures. Root crop up to 5 cm in size, weighing up to 70 g, bright lingonberry color. Radish has white flesh with no bitterness.

In unprotected soil

Varieties with early ripening

French breakfast

Harvest ripens for 20-24 days. The root crop is finger-shaped, lingonberry red with a characteristic white tip. Length - up to 6 cm, diameter - up to 25 mm. Pulp without bitterness, tasty, without voids. Withstands frosts, therefore, it can be sown in early autumn.

Video about radish variety French breakfast:

Double F1

Harvest ripens on day 20-25. The fruit is up to 45 mm in size and weighing up to 35 g, spherical in shape, thick red. The hybrid tolerates a drop in temperature, does not shoot, long retains consumer qualities.

Blue frost

The growth and maturation period is 25 days. Fruits of the original purple color, spherical in shape, weighing up to 25 g. The pulp is dense, snow-white, does not become loose. It does not shoot, so it can be grown throughout the summer.


Tarzan F1

The vegetation period is up to 33 days. The fruits are smooth, spherical, large, weighing up to 45 g, diameter up to 70 mm, pulp with notes of sharpness, dense. It withstands shadow, does not deteriorate during transportation, maintaining its presentation.

Late ripening

White Fang

The ripening period of the crop is up to 42 days. Snow-white root crop, conical in shape, up to 12 cm long, up to 35 mm in diameter, up to 60 g. It tolerates cold snap, resistant to flowering, lying.

Video about the radish variety White Fang:

Russian size

The growing season is 30-45 days. Root crop with a diameter of up to 10 cm and a weight of up to 400 g, roundish, ruby ​​color. Taste - fine, sweet flesh, not sharp. Resistant to peduncle formation.


Ripening period is 35-40 days. White, elongated root crop resembling an icicle, up to 15 cm long, weighing up to 80 g. The pulp is juicy, medium-spicy taste. It is steady against shooting, will not grow loose.

Video about the radish variety Ice icicle:


When choosing radishes for growing in a greenhouse, opt for varieties that are resistant to lack of light and with good immunity.


Celeste F1

Ripening period is 24-30 days. The fruit is pink-red, spherical, weighing up to 30 g. Taste - with a slight spiciness and bitterness. Good immunity, does not shoot, is not prone to flowering, loves fertile soils.


The growing season is 20-22 days. The fruit is a bright yellow color, roundish, weighing up to 60 g. The pulp is tasty, juicy. Resistant to arid conditions, tsvetochnosti.

Video about the Zlata radish variety:


Wurzburg 59

Ripening period is 25-35 days. The root crop is up to 4 cm in diameter, weighing up to 20 g, raspberry colored, rounded. The flesh is pink-white, juicy, does not flatter, has a sweet taste, without bitterness. Resistant to flowering, diseases.

Video about the Wurzburg 59 radish variety:


Ripening period is up to 31 days. The fruit is spherical, white in color, with a diameter of up to 40 mm, weighing up to 23 g. The snow-white pulp is dense, of excellent taste. Resistant to disease, but severely damaged by cruciferous flea.

Video about Mokhovsky radish variety:


Red giant

Before technical maturity - 40-50 days. The root crop is round in shape, ruby-red in color, weighing up to 150 g. The flesh is juicy, sweet, pink. Designed for long-term storage.

Video about Red Giant radish variety:

Dungan 12/8

The ripening period is 31-53 days. The root crop is round, slightly flattened, up to 7 cm in diameter, purple. The taste is sweet, with a slight spiciness. Relatively resistant to tsvetochnuyu, does not floss for a long time and maintains taste.


The photo shows what a large radish looks like.

What sweet tastes like?

When growing radishes, gardeners often face the fact that if you didn’t have time to pull it out on time, the taste of the root crop becomes bitter and burning, often such a vegetable is not edible.

Attention! If you do not remove the radish in a timely manner, then mustard oils begin to accumulate in it, which spoil the taste.

When breeding large-fruited varieties and hybrids, breeders tried to remove this drawback and maintain taste. Radish varieties Mokhovskiy, Red giant, Würzburg 59, Russian size, Zlata, Russian size have an excellent sweet taste, and light pungency only complements the rich taste.

Description of the Giants

Among large-fruited varieties there are varieties with very large fruits, their mass reaches 150-200 g. These are the Autumn giant and the Red giant.


Radish of this variety is the result of the work of breeders of the Kuban State Agrarian University,

Autumn giant radish was zoned in the North Caucasus region, in other regions will grow smaller.

The growing season is 28 days. During this time, the fruit grows to a length of 8 cm and gains mass up to 170 g. The skin of the radish is white. It is oval, slightly elongated, resembling a daikon. The pulp is white, dense, with a slight spiciness. The variety has good immunity, is resistant to flowering, does not shoot. Root crops at a low temperature are stored until spring, while the taste remains unchanged.


The growing season of the variety is 30-50 days. Root crop of saturated red color, rounded shape, reaches a mass of up to 150 g. Pulp with a pinkish tinge, sweet, juicy. Radish of this variety is well stored without losing consumer properties. If you sow it at the end of August, then the crop can be stored in a cool place for 3-4 months. The variety is resistant to flowering, even with insufficient watering, does not shoot.

To grow an excellent radish crop in your suburban area is not a tricky business. Start by choosing a variety suitable for your region. Indeed, in spite of the description of remarkable qualities, you will get the maximum return by cultivating zoned varieties and hybrids.

Watch the video: Time lapse radish seeds sprouting, top and roots growing (October 2024).

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