Features of fertilizing under the radish in the greenhouse. What is the best way to feed the crop after germination?

With the onset of spring, everyone wants to see as many fresh vegetables on the table as possible. Radishes are the earliest source of vitamins and fiber.

It is not whimsical, so it can easily be grown in a greenhouse or open ground, if you follow some rules of planting and top dressing.

In the article you will find detailed information about the importance of timely top dressing, as well as how and how to fertilize radishes in a greenhouse.

The importance of timely nutrition

For radish, top dressing plays exactly the same role as for other crops. It contributes to the rapid development of strong plants. Nitrogen fertilizers are best for building green mass. If it is important to get a large, juicy fruit, it is necessary to use potassium - phosphorus preparations.

reference. Fertilizing is best done at the sowing stage. This action will allow the culture to develop, without any deviations.

It is important to monitor the plant so that fertilizer is applied on time. It is necessary in two cases:

  1. An overgrown green mass, with a too small fruit, indicates an excess of nitrogen in the soil. The easiest way to treat this situation will be the introduction of potassium - phosphorus preparations.
  2. Sluggish and pale leaves, poorly developed stem, indicate a lack of nitrogen.

Differences in fertilizer application in sheltered and open ground

You need to feed the radish no later than 7 days before the harvest. Otherwise, the vegetable will contain too much nitrate.

  • If you properly care for radishes in the greenhouse, then the crop can be harvested throughout the year. Mineral or organic fertilizers can be used to enrich the soil. Often rich soil mixtures are used in the greenhouse, which means that additional fertilizing is not required; a little dusting with ash during the appearance of the first leaves.

    If there is a need to grow radishes in a greenhouse in winter, then you should take care of additional lighting.

  • During cultivation in open ground, soil preparation remains important (fertilizing during autumn digging). Immediately before sowing, in order to obtain a good crop, they stimulate seed growth. During the period of active growth, it is important to monitor the condition of the leaves and make fertilizers on time.

Feeding seedlings and an adult plant - what's the difference?

  1. The first young shoots of radish need additional nutrients. To do this, superphosphate, humus or wood ash are applied over the soil. Also, a good effect is observed after using urea.

    Important. You can not spray fertilizer into a leafy outlet! Feeding is carried out strictly in the aisles.

  2. An adult plant needs additional dressing only if no fertilizer has been applied at the emergence stage. It is important to observe the quality of the radish.

    • In the presence of pale, flaccid leaves, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used, for example, they are watered with the prepared composition: a teaspoon of nitrogen is dissolved in one bucket of water.
    • If external signs indicate an excess of nitrogen (rapidly growing greens), then it should be watered with the following composition: in one bucket of water, 20 g of superphosphate and 1 glass of ash are diluted.

As a result, we can say that the success of cultivation largely depends on the quality of plant nutrition at the early stages of its development. If you fertilize radishes at the stage of first seedling emergence, then an adult plant is likely to have enough nutrients. However, one must not forget to observe the appearance of the root crop and leaves.

Experienced gardeners believe that To grow radishes in open ground is much easier than in a greenhouse.

Step-by-step instructions: how and what to fertilize radishes in a greenhouse?

Both mineral and organic fertilizers are suitable for feeding radishes.



You can buy in a specialized store in Moscow and St. Petersburg, at an average price of 55.00 r per 1 kg. Packing 1 kg.

Ammophos is used when the soil needs to be enriched with phosphorus. Significantly increases the ability of young radishes to withstand adverse environmental factors. The drug is diluted in water at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 bucket of water (10 l) and watered aisles (3 liters per 1 m2).


Available in all specialized stores in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the average price is 370.00 r per package. Packing 0.8 kg.

This drug is diluted and introduced into the row spacing according to the same principle as Ammophos. Kristallon is a complex nitrogen-phosphorus - potash fertilizer. Its price is determined by the presence in the composition of a large number of various trace elements, compared with other store dressings.


Can be purchased at any specialized store at a price of 37 - 40.00 r per 25 g. Packages are diverse, up to 1 kg.

This is a water-soluble drug, which is bred at the rate of 1 pack (25g) per 10 liters of water. Feeding should be done every 10 days. For 1 season, 2 to 3 times are required.


  1. Fertilizer from young nettles. To prepare it, fill the container by 2/3 with young chopped leaves, fill it with warm water and leave it in the sun for 10 days. For irrigation, the finished tincture is diluted with water at a rate of 1:10. If there is a need for spraying, to combat the cruciferous flea, then 1:20 is bred.
  2. By a similar principle, you can cook a multi-component composition, which includes comfrey, tansy, colza and chamomile. All components are taken in equal quantities. The solution is infused, and diluted in the same way as from nettle.

It is important to feed radishes on time. If you properly care for the plant in the very early stages of its development, you can easily get a rich, healthy crop. The culture is not whimsical and is perfect for growing novice gardeners. Its rich chemical composition leaves no doubt that radish should be a required regular guest in any greenhouse.

Watch the video: Growing Carrots from Sowing to Harvest (October 2024).

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