A weed or a graceful flower? We study what types and varieties of milkweed are

The varieties and types of indoor and garden milkweed are great. It can be grown as an ornamental annual, and can relate to ordinary weeds. There are herbaceous plants, shrubs and even small meter trees.

In the article you will find descriptions and photos of various varieties, including the official milkweed growing in the garden, ampelous euphorbia, which is known for its unusual colors, and many others.

Popular types and varieties: description and photo


This variety has the name Euphorbia Waldstein, Ural, Georgian. In nature, he prefers steppes, roadsides, forest edges. Grows in Armenia, Georgia. This perennial belongs to herbaceous plants. The grade is high, grows up to 80 - 90 cm in height.

Stems - rods straight, bare, leaves rarely grow. The leaf itself is elongated, pale green. Flowers grow at the very top of the stem, have a gentle - salad color. Umbrella inflorescences. Blooms in mid-summer. Fruits - achenes ripen within a month. Propagated by seeds. The variety is used in folk medicine, used in the treatment of tuberculosis, heart disease.

Grassy Glitz

Perennial, belongs to herbaceous plants. It is called frosty hoarfrost. The bush is elegant, 25 cm high. The stems are covered with small leaves up to 2 cm long, saturated - green. The leaves are round in shape. It blooms generously in July - August. The flowers themselves are tiny, gently - white.

The variety does not tolerate drought and direct sunlight.. It grows well at home - on the windowsill, open verandas and balconies. It can grow in open ground - in flower beds and front gardens. Unpretentious culture, perfectly propagated by cuttings, seeds. Seedlings are usually planted in March.


It is called Chyna's euphorbia, is an oilseed annual. It grows naturally in southern Europe, South America and Africa. Grows in the form of a tall single stem of a gray color. The stem is dense, up to 1 cm in diameter. The leaves are long, up to 10 - 15 cm in length, oblong, narrow, width - 1 - 1.5 cm.

The leaves are cross-shaped, grow opposite. Blossoms in June, single peduncles, located on the top of the stem. Unpretentious. The official euphorbia often grows in the garden. It propagates independently by seeds, is considered a weed. The milk of this milkweed is widely used in medicine in the treatment of skin diseases, in cosmetology.

IMPORTANT: In everyday life, this milkweed variety is used against domestic rodents and moths.


It has the name castor bean family euphorbiaceae. Natural varieties grow in Africa, considered perennials. Large herbaceous plant. Height - up to 2 - 3 m. The stalk is cranked, branches well, most often green. The leaves are large, grow alternately, located on long petioles.

The shape of the sheet is palmate, consists of 5 to 10 elongated lobes - fingers. Inflorescences are located in the axils of the leaves, collect unisexual flowers in small groups. Fruits are round or oblong capsules.

Seeds are used to make castor oil, used in cosmetology and medicine. Juice and decoctions are used to treat skin diseases.

Myrtle Leaf

A decorative variety used by designers to create alpine slides and rockeries as a groundcover. It is considered a perennial plant. The leaves are geometric, mosaic, have a grayish - blue color. The leaves are dense, fleshy, matte in structure. They grow in a spiral around the stem, tightly planted.

The bush has an elegant shape, low, up to 20 - 25 cm in height. The variety is sunflower, resistant to drought. Prefers calcareous soils. It blooms in late spring. The flowers are small, greenish in color, later acquire a yellow hue, located on the top of the stem. Propagated by seeds on their own.

Euphorbia homophilla

Succulent shrub, in nature grows up to 1 - 1.5 m. The stems are erect, voluminous, have 4 - 6 ribs. They have a diameter of up to 4 - 5 cm in diameter. Parts - segments of the stem grow up to 5 - 10 cm in length, have a wax coating, dark green.

It blooms in early summer. The variety is unpretentious, tolerates drought well. The root is branched, powerful, with thick processes.

Euphorbia ampelous

A variety is commonly called euphorbia hanging. Decorative flower, different in that it does not bloom at home. The bush is sprawling, the stems are articulated, flat, light green in color.

Some species have a grayish tint. There are small spikes on the surface of the stems. The variety is hardy, tolerates arid climate.. The root is vertical, powerful. The stems are long, creeping, falling, ampelous. The stem length under natural conditions reaches 4 - 5 m. A distinctive feature is the dichotomous branching of the stems.


Perennial variety, has the appearance of a cactus. The stems are fleshy, branching at the base, eventually becoming woody. The stems can be three - and tetrahedral in shape, have a bluish tint. On the lateral ribs of the stems are warts - outgrowths. From these leaf pads, spines of 0.4 cm in length develop.

Flowers are unisexual, inflorescences are simple, gather in groups of 2-3 inflorescences. The flowering is plentiful, has a yellowish tint. Flowers are located on the ribs and at the top of the stems. Seeds - boxes are located in the nest. Propagated mainly by cuttings and division of the bush.


The variety also has the name Euphorbia broadly branched, rod-shaped. Refers to herbaceous varieties of the euphorbia family. This euphorbia is widespread in Eurasia and North America. Perennial, height reaches more than 1 m. It has thin, bare, straight stems, branching moderately. The leaves have a bluish tint, oblong shape, grow up to 10 cm in length. The upper leaves are pointed, wide, short, dense in structure.

The flowers are small, in shape - fused columns below, on the top - panicles. Flowers are combined in inflorescences - umbrellas. The root is thickened, powerful, well-branched. Fruits are ovoid.

ATTENTION: White juice may cause irritation to skin or eyes.


Decorative, perennial flower. Grows in a compact bush. The stems are simple, erect, grow up to 50 - 60 cm in height. The leaves are purple, retain the brightness of color until mid-autumn, then the leaves fall off. Inflorescences are bright yellow with a greenish tint. Bonfire blooms in May, flowering time - 1 month.

The variety grows well in the sun, winter-hardy, grows on any soil. It does not tolerate dampness and stagnation of water. It is used for group plantings along borders, on flower beds.


Decorative perennial shrub. In nature, grows on the banks of ponds, in wet areas. Shoots are strong, erect, grow up to 70 - 90 cm in height. The juice is poisonous. The stems below are quickly exposed. The shoots are thick at the base, and thinner at the tops.

The leaves are oval, oblong, green, with a bluish bloom. May have a reddish tint. The flowers are large, yellow - green, collected in umbrella inflorescences. Flowering occurs in mid-June, lasts 2 to 3 weeks. The variety is often planted in personal plots, forming a decorative array.

This species is included in the list of endangered rare plant species in Russia, has healing properties.


Perennial shrub of medium height. The height of an adult bush is up to 50 cm. It grows on stony soil, lives in rocky areas in nature, and prefers bright sunlight. A distinctive feature - the flower is not adapted to home growing conditions.

The stalk is bare, the leaves are smooth, narrow, somewhat truncated in shape. It blooms in late spring, the fruits ripen in 3 to 4 weeks. Propagated independently, by seed. The flower is listed in the Red Book of Russia, is an endangered species.


Perennial herbaceous culture up to 60 - 80 cm high. Stems are straight, rounded, bare. At the top are flower stalks. The upper stems are covered with tightly planted leaves. The lower leaves are scaly, oblong, up to 6 - 7 cm long, narrow. Leaves can be peaked, wavy, curved.. The leaf plate is soft, muffled - green on top, bottom has a bluish tint.

The flowers are simple, located on the tops and sinuses of the stems, small, up to 1 - 2 cm in diameter, bell-shaped in shape. It blooms in June - July. Seeds ripen in boxes - three-root, viability up to 6 years. The root is long, creeping.

Grant's synadenium

Perennial grade. It is called sub-milkman. Natural varieties live in Africa. Hybrid species perfectly adapted to home conditions. Plant height reaches 1 - 1, 5 m. The bush has the shape of a palm tree. It blooms mainly in winter. The flowers are red, round in shape, collected in inflorescences - brushes.

Moisture-resistant variety, does not require frequent watering, does not tolerate spraying. Prefers well-lit places of growth. Propagated by seeds and cuttings, quickly rooted.


Succulent, resembles a cactus. Natural varieties grow in South Africa. The variety is unpretentious. The height of the adult flower is 40 - 50 cm. Differs in reddish long spikes, up to 5 - 6 cm, covering all stems. The stems are ribbed, branching at the base, come in a light green and blue hue. Leaves are tiny. Dense yellowish flowers, located on thick peduncles.

The view is perfectly adapted to home conditions, unpretentious in care. Loves sunny places.


Refers to perennial succulents. The variety is called long-legged, Africa is considered the birthplace. It grows in the Caucasus. Externally, the flower looks like a cactus. It grows to 1 - 2 m in height. The trunk is zigzag, the stems are straight, fleshy in structure, up to 10 -15 cm wide. The stems are branched, growing in tiers. At the tops and along the edge of thin ribs are sharp spines. The flowers are bright yellow, shiny.

The variety is well adapted to home conditions, prefers well-lit places, does not require heavy watering. Propagated by cuttings.


Tree succulent, originally from the Canary Islands. At home it is used as fuel. The stalk can reach a height of up to 10 m. At the base, the branches are very curly. The branches are ribbed. They have up to 5-6 sharp ribs. Miniature spikes are arranged in pairs along the shoots, up to 0.5 cm in length. Flowers are usually located on the tops of shoots, have a burgundy color. Despite the decorative effect, the variety is highly toxic.


Annual, growing in nature on the mountainsides in North America. It has many names - fringed, mountain, snow in the mountains, etc. It is characterized by snow-white coloring of leaves, a very decorative milkweed variety. An adult sprawling bush grows to 70 - 80 cm, branches well. The leaves are greenish, with a pale white wide border. The leaves may be pointed or rounded in shape, depending on the variety variety.

The flowers are small, located on the tops of the stems - shoots. Forms caps of white inflorescences. It blooms from June to late autumn. Unpretentious, used in group plantings. Rhinestone cultivation is possible with other colors.

Watch the video about the features of milkweed Rhinestone (Bordered):

Ascot rainbow

Refers to evergreen perennials. The bush has a spherical shape, sprawling. The variety is called euphorbia multicolor. Perennial. Differs in absolute resistance to any weather conditions, usually a flower is planted in garden plots. It has medium height, grows up to 40 cm in height. The leaves are three-colored, have a diverse color - green, pinkish, yellow. Lemon yellow flowers appear in May or June.

IMPORTANT: The most sustainable variety for growing at home.

The genus of milkweed is so huge and diversethat scientists to this day cannot come to a single classification of all types and varieties of this extraordinary plant. Now you know the names of indoor and garden plants, as well as how these species and varieties look in the photo.

Watch the video: Mornings with Mayesh: February 2018 (October 2024).

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