Useful tips on caring for your pomegranate outdoors and at home

Pomegranate is one of the oldest cultures that people cultivate. Today there are more than one hundred and thirty varieties of this plant. The dry climate is most favorable for pomegranate, so regions with hot summers and warm winters are ideal for cultivating it.

For example, the South of Russia. But low temperatures and frosts can interfere with the full growth and development of the fruit tree.

In order to grow pomegranate in the garden, you need to observe a number of conditions - properly plant the plant and provide it with the necessary care.

How to care for pomegranate tree in open ground?

Temperature mode

Pomegranate is definitely a thermophilic plant. During the growth period, he needs air temperature in the region of 20-25C. An adult plant can withstand 30 degrees of heat, provided that the place where it is planted is well ventilated. In winter, a pomegranate tree can overpower frost at least 15 degrees.

Landing place

Pomegranate is a sun-loving plant. Therefore, for planting it is necessary to choose the most lighted place in the garden.

The site with pomegranate landings should be protected from drafts, but at the same time, it was well ventilated. Planting on an elevated plot in a garden on the southwest side would be ideal.

Important! Groundwater should not leak near a grenade.


During the growth period, the tree needs a large amount of moisture. It is better to defend water before watering. Soft water is best.

The plant does not like waterlogging, so it is worth watering as the top layer of the soil dries up.

Is it possible to water a tree during flowering? Of course! A fruiting and flowering tree can be watered 2 times a day, provided that the plant requires it.

By autumn, watering the pomegranate must be reduced so that the shoots ripen. And after the leaves fall, water should be watered as necessary, avoiding overdrying and excessive wetting of the soil.

After watering, it is good to cover the soil with straw or grass. This contributes to the conservation of moisture, the delay in the development of weeds and favors the vital activity of earthworms, which process the soil into vermicompost and contribute to the excellent ingress of oxygen to the roots of the plant.


The formation of pomegranate crowns in open ground is extremely important in order to avoid injury to the plant during preparation for winter.

The most optimal form for pomegranate is considered bushy. To obtain it, you need to leave the five strongest trunks in an inclined fan position. It is better to form a crown in spring or autumn, after harvesting.. Trimming occurs in several stages:

  1. First you need to trim all the dry branches.
  2. Trim excess branches that create a thickening of the tree.
  3. Then cut the basal shoots and root siblings.
  4. It is important to ensure that the middle of the bush is well lit.
Reference. Anti-aging pruning is performed every 25 years.

Soil in the garden

Pomegranate is not demanding on the composition of the soil. It can grow even on very wet substrates. But still it is better to provide well-drained crushed stone or calcareous soils. Loams with good permeability and a large amount of nutrients may be suitable.

When landing at the bottom of the pit, a layer of fertile soil (about 15 cm) is laid, and then - a mound of humus mixed with earth.

Top dressing

Proper care of the pomegranate in the garden without the use of fertilizers is not possible.
Fertilizers for pomegranate should always be applied before planting. And if the soil is very poor, then you need to start fertilizing the tree already from the beginning of summer.

From the second half of June, you need to feed the plant with complex mineral fertilizer. Every two weeks you need to water the pomegranate with infusion of mullein or chicken droppings.. In autumn, 25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium must be added to the soil around the bush. We cover the soil with manure.

Step-by-step transplant instructions

During planting, the seedling should be tilted 45-60 degrees to the south, so that during preparation for winter it was easier to tilt the branches of the tree to the ground.

  1. Before transplanting, pomegranates are well watered. This simplifies the process of removing roots from the ground.
  2. Dig a tree in a circle so as not to damage the roots. You need to take out the plant with a root lump of earth. This will help him adapt to a new place faster.
  3. The direction of the branches should be located in the same way as in the previous place.
  4. Before transplanting, you must definitely examine the plant. It should be without the slightest sign of disease. If a diseased tree is transplanted, then it will not take root and will die very soon.
  5. We place the roots in the ground to a depth of no more than 10 cm. Then the root system will develop both in width and in depth.
  6. We compact the ground well so that there are no air pockets. It happens that after the first watering the earth sags. This is not critical. You just need to fill up all such places with extra soil.

After transplanting, the plant must be watered on time so that it takes root faster.

Humidification of the crown

In hot weather, pomegranate leaves are especially in need of additional care. With strong heat, you need to shade the crown of the tree and spray the leaves with settled water. Many gardeners in order to avoid the appearance of pests spray leaves with various solutions.

Preparing for the winter

Even frost-resistant varieties of pomegranate can not withstand severe frosts, and therefore the plant must be covered for the winter. When the average daily temperature reaches 10 degrees below zero, it is necessary to begin preparations for wintering. This should be done in several stages:

  1. First, spray the pomegranate bush with 3% Bordeaux liquid. It will prevent decay of the plant.
  2. We tighten the pomegranate branches with burlap and gently bend it to the ground. You can also attach branches to iron stakes so that they do not rise.

    Attention! Long branches can be twisted, and very thick branches that do not bend to the ground need to be cut.

  3. We warm the plant. It is necessary to pour four shovels of soil on top of a tree. After which, the whole plant is sprinkled with soil from the aisles. The earth layer should be approximately twenty centimeters.
  4. You can still cover with a layer of spruce top.

You can free pomegranates from winter clothes in May, when the daily average temperatures are positive.

How to care at home?

Pomegranate care at home is very similar to garden pomegranate care. Just like a street tree, indoor pomegranate develops seasonally.

In spring and summer

At this time, the plant needs a lot of sunlight.. In sunny weather, it is worth taking the tree to the street. For example, on a balcony or a loggia. Watering a pomegranate at this time needs regular and abundant, drying of the soil should not be allowed.

When the pomegranate blooms and bears fruit, it must be fertilized with complex mineral fertilizers.

During fruiting, pomegranates in open ground should be watered as carefully as possible. The soil should receive a sufficient amount of moisture, but not be waterlogged. Otherwise, the fruits will crack.

The leaves of a room pomegranate should be sprayed with warm water once every two weeks.

In the autumn-winter period

From the beginning of autumn and during the next couple of three months you need to reduce the amount of moisture and place the pot in a cooler place. Pomegranate should be poured with infusion of mullein to prepare it for wintering. In May, you again need to increase the amount of water and rearrange the pot in a warm place.

Indoor grenades are very fond of pruning and crown shaping. He does not have to winter on the street, but because the plant can be given absolutely any shape.

Every year, pomegranates need to be transplanted until they reach 5 years of age. Pots with a narrow shape are ideal, and the container volume should be gradually increased from 100 to 500 ml.


Tree is dying

Pomegranate can die for several reasons.. As a rule, this is improper care, pests or diseases. To eliminate the cause of poor tree health, you need to carefully examine the plant and identify the source of the problem. More on this below.

Krone dries

With a regular violation of the irrigation regime and insufficient humidity, pomegranate leaves can dry out.

If the reason, indeed, is this, then the soil of the pomegranate will smell strongly of mold. To prevent further drying of the leaves, you must immediately transplant the tree into a new substrate. But before that, carefully inspect the roots of the plant and remove all areas affected by rot. Wounds on the roots need to be treated with crushed coal.

Branch cancer

The cause of branch cancer is the result of mechanical damage or frostbite of the plant. Wounds obtained in this way are likely to heal, but spores of parasitic fungi can enter and germinate. Then cracks begin to appear at the branches on the bark, and spongy swellings will be noticeable on the edges of the chips.

Getting rid of this disease is not so simple. The surest method is to cut the affected branches with a sharp garden knife. After that, you need to treat the wounds with a disinfectant and apply a thin layer of a garden var.

Leaves turn yellow

If, along with yellowing, dark spots appear on the leaves of a pomegranate, this is due to a lack of water in the soil. To eliminate this, you should water the plant more often.

If the leaves just turn yellow and there are no pests on the tree, then most likely the pomegranate suffers from excessively high air temperature. In this case, it is worth a little shade of the plant.

Falling foliage

Pomegranate is a deciduous tree. Therefore, with the onset of autumn, its leaves fall off, sometimes not completely.

However, if the leaves fall off schedule, then most likely this is a consequence of yellowing of the leaves, and this phenomenon has the same reasons as the sudden yellowness of the leaves:

  • spider mites or other pests;
  • illnesses;
  • too high air temperature;
  • or insufficient watering.


The most common pests when growing pomegranate:

  • Pomegranate moth. The butterfly lays eggs in a pomegranate through a cup, caterpillars emerge from the eggs, which eat soft seeds, this causes ovaries to fall off the tree, and the fruits begin to rot. To destroy the moth, you need to collect the diseased parts of plants and burn them.
  • Pomegranate aphid. Aphids breed on the leaves and shoots of a pomegranate tree. To eliminate it, pesticides are used.
  • Grenades can also damage scale mites and spider mites. For prevention, shrubs inspect and watered with fertilizers. The actellic or phytoerm solution will help get rid of them. They need to spray the plant.
  • Worm. To destroy it, you need to carry out three treatments with an interval of 5-6 days:

    1. confidor (0.5 ml / l of water);
    2. mospilan (0.2-0.5 g / l of water);
    3. actar (0.5-0.8 g / l of water).

    A good result is obtained by storing plants under the root with these solutions three times with an interval of 7 days.

Pomegranate is a very unpretentious culture that can be grown both in the garden and at home. In open ground care for pomegranate includes the main points:

  1. Timely watering and top dressing.
  2. The right place when landing.
  3. Compliance with the temperature regime.

As you can see, all these rules are easily enforceable.

Watch the video: 5 Year Pomegranates - How To Grow Wonderful Pomegranates & Pomegranate Tree Care (October 2024).

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