Everything about the floribunda rose: how it looks in the photo, varieties, reproduction and conditions

Floribunda - a garden rose, indispensable in the design of a household or cottage.

This rose, unique in its appearance and biological properties, adorns not only garden plots, but also the most exquisite parks around the world.

Next, you will find out what it is, find a description and characteristics of the plant, see how it looks in the photo, read about the use in landscape design, as well as about the differences from scrubs.

Brief biological description

Floribunda (lat. Floribunda - "abundantly blooming") - a group of varieties of roses, isolated separately in 1976, as an intermediate link between polyanthus and hybrid tea roses.

The authorship of the selection is attributed to two originators at once: the American P. Lambert and the Dane St. Poulsen, who conducted experiments on crossbreeding in the early 20th century. Famous today, many varieties of floribunda roses were brought by the famous rose breeder Eugene Brener in the 40-50's. Currently, there are more than a hundred varieties of floribundas and work to create new ones does not stop.

Important! Recently, in specialized literature, floribunda is often called "grandiflora," as applied to varieties that produce especially large flowers.


In the group there are border (up to 40 cm), mid-growth (50-80 cm) and high grades (from 1 meter). Bushes have a straight or sprawling shape. The floribund foliage is dense, smooth or with veins, dark green, glossy, varieties with dull leaves are rare. Leaves (5-7 pieces) are attached to the petiole, connecting with nodes to the side shoots or stem.

A distinctive feature of floribunda is blooming not in single flowers - several buds collected in raceme blossoms immediately blossom. Large flowers have a different color depending on the variety, usually bright and juicy.

There are flowers of varying degrees of terry (10-25 petals), less often simple. Many varieties are similar in shape to tea-hybrid roses - they have a goblet-shaped bowl, others are cup-shaped or flat. Unlike tea hybrid varieties, floribunda flowers either do not smell at all or give a faint aroma.


Floribunda not only took the best characteristics of polyanthus and hybrid tea roses, but also has a number of practical advantages:

  • very plentiful and long wavy flowering;
  • high winter hardiness;
  • disease resistance;
  • not vulnerable to wet in the rainy period;
  • unpretentiousness in leaving;
  • successful propagation by vaccination and cuttings;
  • does not react negatively to the cut of individual flowers from the bush.

What is the difference from scrubs?

Shrubs (English shrub - the lane "bush") - tall varieties of park roses shrub type, which are characterized by continuous continuous flowering. All complex hybrids are classified as scrubs, which for a number of signs cannot be attributed to floribundas and other varieties of roses. Scrubs in appearance are similar to floribunda: they give bushes with a large number of flowers of various shades and shapes.

The difference between scrubs and floribundas is that the former are more hardy, but bloom less abundantly, since a lot of plant resources are spent on the formation of a tall bush. Also a distinctive quality of scrubs is the rich aroma of flowers.

Life span

The average lifespan of floribunda bushes is 8-12 years.

The lifespan of the bush is extended through systematic rejuvenation - special trimming of old, "blind" and dead shoots. Old bushes are useful for replanting periodically. After digging a pre-trimmed bush, you should examine its root system and remove dry or diseased roots, and prune too long roots.

In combination with proper agricultural technology, pruning and replanting a bush can extend its life by 10 years.

Important! The life span of a bush and its flowering also depends on the quality of the seedling itself.

Names of popular varieties with photos

Carte Blanche

White, with a slight shade of pink, goblet-shaped buds.


Blue and pale lilac flowers.


Yellow petals with red trimwhich, as they bloom, acquire a bright scarlet color with yellow veins.

Lilly Marlene

Weak-terry fiery red flowers.


Terry buds of a pale yellow hue.

Purple tiger

The bud is painted with a mixture of white and purple-lilac. with pink and purple spots, strokes and streaks.

Rosemary Roses

Camelliform flowers with a pinkish-currant color.

How to choose a plant when buying?

It is better to purchase seedlings in the form of peat roots, packed in bagsthan a finished rose in a container, which is harder to adapt to the conditions of the garden.

When choosing a bush, you need to make sure that he has:

  • there are several stems no thinner than a pencil;
  • stems are lignified, green and not wrinkled;
  • the roots are well developed and branched;
  • no young buds and shoots on the stem.


Determine the way

Seeds - a laborious and unproductive method with a low percentage of germination; they can be bought or collected from an existing bush. Seeds are pecked for several months, then planted in the ground and seedlings are germinated for a couple of months. It is advisable to grow miniature varieties in a similar way.

Saplings - mainly selected in stores or nurseries. Seedlings are chosen in winter and kept in a state of hibernation until spring; in the spring, the plant is shortened and prepared for planting in a pot or in open ground.

Soil preparation

The soil should be non-acidic, well-drained and breathable. The soil should consist of a mixture of:

  • clay;
  • humus;
  • sand.

The main quality of the earth is its wealth of organic nutrients.

Important! It is recommended to add bone meal and superphosphate fertilizers to the mixture.

Pot selection

A plastic or clay pot with holes in the bottom and a tray to collect excess water is best suited. A small size floribunda requires a pot of at least 38 cm in diameter; for larger specimens, volumetric pots from 50 cm in diameter are selected.


  • In the pot:

    1. A drainage layer (3 cm) is laid out at the bottom of the flowerpot, then 2/3 of the capacity is filled with prepared soil mix.
    2. Available planting material is placed in the middle.
    3. Then the remains of the soil are added, which should fill the tank almost to the edges.
    4. After planting, the soil is abundantly watered and loosened.
  • In open ground:

    1. When planting a plant on a flower bed, you need to dig a deep hole (40-50 cm).
    2. Humidify it and place the seedling vertically in the center of the pit.
    3. Then the seedling is buried with soil residues and watered abundantly.

Use in landscape design

Floribunda is widely used in landscape gardening. It predominantly forms the edges of lawns and hedges. Due to the fact that there are many varieties of different heights and colors, from floribundas you can create a complete multi-level garden composition of any complexity.


Conditions of detention

  • When growing plants in the garden, you need to choose a bright place that would be obscured during the day.
  • Rose does not tolerate direct sunlight on leaves and flowers.
  • The site should not be in wetlands and strongly purged.
Reference. Since floribunda is a winter-hardy plant, it tolerates severe climatic conditions.


  • Abundant watering is recommended during the period of bush growth, with it the frequency of the procedure - up to 2 times a week.
  • Rare watering is required for floribunda bushes in the fall - at this time the plant is irrigated no more than 1 time in 2 weeks.
  • In winter, in Central Russia, irrigation of rose bushes in open ground ceases, since it is not necessary during this period.

Floribunda is a moisture-loving plant, but excessive moisture and fluid stagnation in the soil should be avoided.

Top dressing

Organic and mineral fertilizers are applied once in the spring and 3-4 times in the summer - to stimulate the flowering of the bush.


Mandatory procedure for normal plant growth.

  1. In spring, pruning of all frozen and damaged shoots is carried out and the crown of the bush is formed.
  2. At the end of autumn, sanitary pruning is performed.


Reference. Bush floribunda with normal development does not require additional support and garter.

If the bush is formed in an undesirable way or slopes to the ground, a peg is driven into the soil and the bush is tied with a rope to the support.


A rose bush is transplanted in several cases:

  • during the initial planting of a seedling;
  • if necessary, in the rejuvenation of the old bush;
  • if floribunda does not take root in the selected area.

When transplanting, it is important not to damage the roots of the bush when digging, the rest must be guided by the general rules of planting the plant.

Winter preparations

  1. Autumn is a crucial time for the florist: to prepare the bushes, the floribunda for winter "hibernation" roses are cut to the size of the shelter.
  2. Further, floribunda bushes are spudded and fed with organic fertilizers, which is necessary for the most comfortable wintering.
  3. Finally, rose bushes spud using peat, covered with spruce branches and on top of it - durable non-woven material.


Depending on the variety, the floribunda rose blooms either continuously or wavy in 3 stages, from the beginning of summer to the first frosts. Floribunda blooms not only for a long time, but also very abundantly and luxuriantly.

A rose may not bloom for several reasons. It:

  1. Weak or sick seedlings - require careful care.
  2. Incorrectly chosen landing site - the bush can be transplanted to a new site.
  3. Inadequate or untimely pruning of the bush and removal of faded buds - you need to adjust the pruning, according to the recommendations.
  4. Improper top dressing - apply the right fertilizer.
  5. An invasion of pests or the development of diseases is to conduct preventive spraying and feed the bush.


Rose floribunda has many ways of reproduction:

  • cuttings;
  • seed cultivation;
  • budding;
  • reproduction by layering.

The most common method of propagation is cuttings. Healthy and strong side shoots are cut into cuttings and kept for several hours in a container with a growth stimulator, and then planted in a substrate.

Diseases and Pests

For floribunda, diseases common to all types of roses are characteristic:

  • black spotting;
  • rust;
  • powdery mildew.

Pests that threaten this type of flower:

  • bronze;
  • aphid;
  • the saw cutter.

A comprehensive fight is required against pests: they must be removed manually from the plant and treated with bushes using insecticides and decoctions.

Prevention of various ailments

Recommended use:

  1. Pruning affected and weak shoots.
  2. Removal of dead buds and foliage.
  3. Feeding with potash and phosphorus fertilizers.
  4. Broad-spectrum spraying:

    • Speed;
    • Fundazole;
    • Alirin-B;
    • Topaz et al.
  5. Spraying with copper-containing preparations before sheltering the plant and in early spring.
  6. Dusting the bush with wood ash.
Important! The best disease prevention is quality plant care.

Floribunda is one of the most unpretentious representatives of bushy roses, which can be grown without much hassle even in adverse climate conditions. Therefore, even novice rose growers can engage in breeding floribunda.

Useful video

Watch a video on how to plant and care for floribunda:


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