Trading, mobile, Internet acquiring: what is it and how to activate the service in 5 easy steps + price comparison of leading banks

Hello dear readers of the Rich Pro financial magazine! In continuation of the article about acquiring, we will analyze and talk about each of its varieties, namely, commercial, Internet and mobile acquiring in more detail.

From this article you will learn:

  • Types and applications of Internet, mobile, trade acquiring;
  • Advantages and disadvantages of cashless card payments;
  • Comparative characteristics (tariffs) of acquiring by banks;
  • Step-by-step instructions for connecting the service;
  • Acquiring services market in Russia, development prospects, trends and news.

Due to the growing popularity of cashless payments, this article will be of interest not only to legal entities and private entrepreneurs, but also to individuals who carry out payments not only in cash, but with "non-cash" cards.

If you want to learn new calculation technologies, understand the principle of their operation, choose the best type and rate of acquiring - this article is for you!

The publication turned out to be informative and voluminous; for convenience, use the “Content” below.

About types of acquiring (commercial, mobile, Internet) - what is it and how do they differ from each other, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them - read on in the article

The concept and types of acquiring: Internet, commercial and mobile acquiring

The English word acquiring is still not clear to everyone. It sounds complicated, but in fact it is the usual payment for goods and services by credit card using the terminal.

Only recently we used to pay with cards in supermarkets, and now it’s possible apply card anywhere: to pay for goods and services in online stores, in salons, restaurants, service departments etc. Perhaps in the near future, even the grandmothers in the market will use this method of payment.

While the volume of non-cash turnover in purchases is around 5% total sales. Accessibility, ease of use and profitability of this service create good conditions for its development and promotion.

The mechanism of action of the acquiring service is simple. When paying by card, authorization takes place, i.e. when holding a card through an appropriate reader, a request is sent to the bank processor to confirm the availability of funds in the account. Upon receipt of the result, funds are debited, a confirmation of the operation arrives, the buyer receives a purchase receipt on hand.

In more detail about acquiring - what it is and why it is needed, as well as how to choose a bank to activate the service, we wrote in a previous publication.

Payments by bank cards are divided into 3 (three) types: internet acquiring, merchant acquiring, mobile acquiring.

The general principle of operation of any type of service is the same, the difference in the areas of application, the need for additional devices, fees charged.

We will tell you more about each of them later in the article.

The Definition and Importance of Internet Acquiring

Type 1. Internet acquiring

1.1. Internet acquiring service - what is it and who needs it

Internet acquiring provides the opportunity to purchase goods through the Internet without visiting stores. You can make purchases without leaving your home, around the clock.

To use this service does not require special equipment, it is enough to have Internet access. This type of service is available to everyone who has a bank card. The card itself is not provided to the seller, only its details are required.

There are different ways to pay for goods in online stores: express, C.O.D., paid SMS, transfer through a bank terminal, electronic money.

Internet acquiring has wide advantages in comparison with other types. According to statistics 25% of the total trade the network is occupied by bank card payments, 10% electronic payment systems. Experts express their opinion on the broad prospects for the growth of non-cash turnover in online payments.

The main advantages of using card payments on the network for owners of Internet retail outlets are:

  • Increase in sales. The ease of the payment procedure increases unplanned purchases via the Internet, the buyer is easier to part with virtual money than with cash.
  • Increasing the prestige of the site - store. Attracting customers of another level of affluence.
  • With courier delivery there is a risk of receiving false bills, theft. With the connection of calculations with a card, this problem is solved by itself.
  • Decrease in the number of cases of refusals of the purchase, if the client does not have cash at the time of delivery.

Benefits for buyers:

  • No need to go to the bank to transfer funds to the online store.
  • Calculations occur within a few seconds.
  • No additional fees.
  • The ability to quickly pay for your favorite product.
  • The ability to shop around the clock.

Among the reasons that influence the fact that this service does not develop quickly enough, one can single out the lack of information by the owners of outlets, shadow forms of payments to reduce taxation, and low awareness of cardholders.

1.2. How Internet Acquiring Works

Let us consider in more detail how the principle of Internet acquiring works on the example of online shopping.

Visually, the work of Internet acquiring can be seen in the picture-diagram below:

The service delivery mechanism is as follows:

  1. A potential buyer makes a choice of a product or service on the website of an online store that offers to make payments using a credit card;
  2. If the purchase decision is positive, the customer enters the payment gateway, where he needs to enter the payment details of the card. The system sends data to the bank - acquirer;
  3. The acquiring bank authenticates the client;
  4. The international payment system simultaneously authorizes the client;
  5. Further, information about the possibility of conducting an operation comes to the payment gateway;
  6. If the answer is yes, an online purchase is made;
  7. Settlements between the acquiring bank and the retail outlet are made through a clearing file;
  8. After making a report on the payment, the customer is redirected to the store website.

There is nothing complicated in paying for goods using acquiring, but it provides an opportunity to expand the potential circle of customers, to provide the opportunity to purchase goods outside your region, and to go abroad.

Internet acquiring is only one type of cashless payments, other types, advantages and opportunities are presented below.

1.3. Who provides Internet acquiring services and what is its cost

Aggregators, providers, cansare providers of Internet acquiring.

Aggregators- these are the services through which online purchases are made through cards, electronic wallets, mobile phones. They are representatives of various payment systems, using their technological solutions make a deal. In this case, the commission may amount to up to 5% from the purchase amount, but they do not require a large number of documents.

Providers Provide Internet access for an additional fee. They provide transaction security.

The main volume of acquiring services is carried out banks. Direct contact of financial institutions with customers provides a minimum commission. To connect this service, the user must submit a certain list of documents, fulfill the requirements and conditions set by the bank.

The determining factor in the cost of acquiring for an online store is the turnover on the account, for example, with a monthly turnover up to 300 thousand rubles.the tariff will be not less than 3%.

Additional factors are:

  • Directions of the outlet;
  • The degree of security of the operation;
  • Choosing a service provider;
  • The possibility of applying additional payments;
  • The level of the consumer as a client in the acquirer bank;
  • Participation of the store in discount, bonus schemes of the bank.

The price of the service includes:

  • In banks - commission for conducting operations;
  • In provider companies - fees for providing Internet access;
  • In payment aggregators that operate under a single agreement, payment for the accumulation of funds on one account.

Visual information about the advantages and disadvantages of Internet acquiring providers is presented in the table:

Supplier nameMaximum cost of serviceSecurityConnection termConnection costThe required volume of documents
Bank2,7%(+)1 monthLowbig
Aggregator5%(+)2 daysHighsmall
Provider3%(++)1 monthHighbig

The table shows that the more requirements a service provider makes, the cheaper it will be. If the client is ready for long-term cooperation, do not rush, it is better to collect documents and contact the bank.

Step-by-step guide for connecting online acquiring

1.4. How to connect Internet acquiring - step-by-step instructions for beginners

When deciding on the connection of Internet acquiring, you first need to understand the connection scheme. Connecting online acquiring is quite simple, you must adhere to the following scheme:

Step No. 1. Comparison of Internet Acquiring Tariffs and Choosing a Service Provider

By comparing the tariffs and requirements put forward by service providers, the owner of the online store should choose the most suitable conditions for him to conclude an agreement.

The choice aggregator possible, if necessary, a wide range of payment instruments - except for bank cards, electronic terminals, alternative payment systems. The Bank does not provide the ability to make payments in various ways.

Aggregators also put forward the minimum requirements for documentation, the size of the business. Important factors are speed of service connection, interface configuration complexity.

According to the legislation, the payment aggregator must work either on behalf of the bank, or be a bank itself.

Choice as a service provider directly credit institution allows you to pay minimum fees, increase the security of data transfer, to directly transfer funds to the seller’s account.

If the choice is a financial institution, you should pay attention to the following issues:

  • The requirement to open an account or deposit (for security) at the bank. Some banks operate without opening an account.
  • Availability and amount of commission for connecting the service, connection speed.
  • Does the bank have its own processing center or does it rent outsourcing (in order to reduce the commission).
  • Percentage of commission on a transaction.
  • Used payment systems. The most common are Mastercard,Visa, American Express , Union Pay.
  • Period for crediting funds to the account. Typically, funds are credited the day after the transaction, but if the bank does not have its own processing center, it can take several days to be credited.

When choosing a bank, you should study the proposals of specific credit institutions.

Consider the rates of Internet acquiring in the comparative table:

BankCommissionPC availabilitySecuritySpecial conditions
Sberbank0,6-3%+highInternet Acquiring Connection Speed ​​in Sberbank - 3-4 weeks
VTB 240,6-3%+highThe possibility of reducing interest with an increase in income to the current account, crediting funds on a daily basis, or on the next day
Alfa BankIndividually with client+highIndividuality of approach to each client.
Russian Standard Bank2-3%+highQuick service connection
Tinkoff Bank2-3%+highCrediting to an account in any Russian bank, connection speed 3 days.
Bank Vanguard2-3.15%+highCrediting funds on the day the transaction is completed.

Table shows that favorites internet acquiring are Sberbank and VTB 24. With certain drawbacks (the availability of a full package of documents, the time for considering an application for connecting a service), the advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness of the service are obvious.

Statistics show that more than 65% All payments through the Internet acquiring system are carried out through Sberbank.

Step No. 2. Filling out the application

After choosing a bank, you must write an application on its official website with filling in all the necessary fields. From the quality of filling out an application depends on the speed of considering the possibility of concluding a contract. The application form should reflect all the basic requirements for the site, necessary for the installation of the service.

The bank checks the site’s readiness for connection and sends the applicant guidance on setting up the payment page.

We recommend you to read - "How to create a website for yourself for free - step by step instructions"

Moreover, if the domain name of the online store is open to an individual, and the goods are sold through a legal entity, service configuration is possible without additional registrations.

Step No. 3. Submission of required documents to a credit institution and conclusion of an agreement

The conditions for concluding an Internet acquiring agreement are individual in each bank. Often it can be a contract without opening an accountTherefore, the legislative list of documents is missing. Each lending institution offers its necessary package of documents.

Typically, these are:

  • Registration data. (Constituent documents of a legal entity, document on state registration of IE, Certificate of Incorporation or IE);
  • An order for the director, an identity document, confirmation of authority;
  • Tax certificate;
  • Other documents requested by the bank.

After collecting the documents, the client needs to come to the bank to conclude an agreement. There are banks that provide services to conclude an online acquiring agreement online to attract customers without a visit to the bank. The original contract in this case can be sent by mail. Such a service usually has a higher rate.

Step No. 4. Installing software for the Internet Acquiring service

Normal operation of the system is possible only when installing the plug-in (additional software). You can entrust its installation to professional programmers or at a bank request step-by-step installation instructions.

Usually this does not cause difficulties for clients; when questions arise, banks provide a full consultation.

Step No. 5. Carrying out the first (test) operation and full-fledged launch of the system

When all systems are connected, you can conduct a test purchase of goods by card in your store online.

The online settlement market is well structured. The largest customers (airlines, realtors) can afford to choose the best conditions for themselves, as a rule, banks are struggling to serve such customers.

Medium-sized business owners are ready to cooperate with payment aggregators, which offer payments in different ways under one contract. It can be besides bank cards electronic payments, payment via SMS and so forth

One of the promising directions of increasing the online payment services market is the emergence of small online stores. Banks, realizing the good prospects of such shopping sites, are willing to provide attractive conditions for Internet acquiring.

Thus, virtual (Internet) acquiring is a very convenient means of payment, both for entrepreneurs and for buyers. Unlike mobile and commercial acquiring, this type does not require use special equipment, application installation etc.

For its operation, you only need access to the Internet and support for the web-interface, which transfers to the payment systems of banks. Internet acquiring has a high level of protection from fraudsters.

Additional means of protection against hackers include one-time passwords, SMS confirmations, and OTP tokens. Average commission services is 2,2%.

Definition and importance of merchant acquiring

Type 2. Trading Acquiring 🛒

Trading acquiring is similar in nature to online acquiring.

2.1. Trading acquiring - what is it and what is the scheme of work

Trading Acquiring - it is an opportunity to make payments for goods with a plastic card through special terminals in stores, salons, restaurants etc.

This service is considered most demandedIt is provided simultaneously by a bank and a trade organization.

One of the ways to increase the availability of banking services to the population is the development of a network of electronic remote access terminals, through which a bank card holder makes payments for mobile communications, television, utilities, etc.

This service is convenient both for buyers of outlets (shops, etc.), and for its owner.

The advantages of merchant acquiring for a seller are:

  • Increasing the prestige of a trade organization, increasing customer confidence. An alternative payment scheme is an indisputable advantage reflecting the positive reputation of the company.
  • Increasing potential customers of the store, attracting respectable visitors to the store - cardholders. In this regard, the growth of revenue and profits.
  • Often, card payments are spontaneous, it is easier to part with virtual funds than with cash. Statistics show an increase in the average check by a third, compared with cash payments.
  • No need for collection, prevention of settlements with false notes.
  • Increasing the speed of customer service, which is relevant for large grocery stores.
  • Bank partners have preferential terms of service.
  • Convenience of settlements, providing bonus programs for customers of the store.

Benefits for buyers:

  • No need to carry a large amount of cash.
  • Having a card in your hands, you can not be afraid to lose your money, if lost, it is simply blocked by a call to the bank. In addition, a PIN code is installed on the card for reliability.
  • For non-cash purchases, part of the money spent can be returned back to the card. Cash back is usually small, but depending on the size of purchases, it can grow.
  • When paying by card, bonuses can be awarded, additional discounts are provided.

For banks, the provision of acquiring services is also a profitable operation. In addition to the benefits received from each transaction, the bank expands its potential customer circle, prestige rises. Modern technologies allow a credit institution to enter new stages of development.

The service provider provides the enterprise with rental terminals, cash registers with special equipment.

Settlement mechanism:

  • The buyer pays for the purchased product with a card.
  • The processing center provides permission to complete the transaction.
  • Entering a PIN code, the client logs in to the system.
  • The processing center requests permission from the bank to conduct the operation.
  • The client receives a check on the perfect purchase.

Settlements occur during 1 (one) - 2 (two) minutes.

The principle of trading acquiring can be seen in the picture below:

The conditions and requirements of the parties are set forth in the concluded acquiring agreement.

Parties to this operation are seller, buyer, acquiring bank.

The owner of the business has the right to consulting assistance, technical support in the installation and maintenance of equipment.

The duties of the consumer of this service (entrepreneur) include:

  • Timely pay the commission to the acquiring bank;
  • Determining the location for the installation of equipment;
  • Accept for payment for goods cards in accordance with the contract.
  • Under the agreement, use the devices transferred by the bank, do not change the software, do not repair, ensure the safety of the devices.

Banks have the right to receive a commission, while it is withheld from the seller, request the necessary documents, withhold commissions from invalid transactions. The bank has the right to unilaterally suspend the contract if the seller violates his obligations, obtain information about the bankruptcy of the enterprise, low activity. Buyer does not bear expenses Acquiring system.

The responsibilities of banks include:

  • Installation of terminals, their connection, maintenance. If necessary, repair and replace equipment.
  • Training store staff. Sellers should not only be able to use readers, but also provide advisory support to customers, be able to make a purchase return, and fulfill the terminal maintenance requirements.
  • Providing consumables and information materials. As a rule, banks themselves fill the terminals with consumables, this service is free of charge.
  • Provides round-the-clock authorization of operations in payment systems.
  • Timely transfer of funds to the seller’s account. Typically, the day the funds are credited is considered the day after the transaction, sometimes the period increases to 2-3 days.
  • Consulting clients. Banks are required to provide assistance in learning the rules for using equipment and program settings.

When connecting the service, a contract is drawn up where all requirements and conditions of cooperation should be agreed.

Step-by-step guide to connecting merchant acquiring

2.2. How to connect merchant acquiring - 7 simple steps

Activation of merchant acquiring services does not require additional knowledge and high costs. You need to understand the mechanism for providing this service and correctly go through all the necessary steps.

Stage 1. Comparison of merchant acquiring tariffs and determination of the company that will provide the service

The cost and reliability depend on the choice of a service provider, so this is a determining point.

Service Providers cans and processing companies. In banks, the provision of services occurs directly, so the commission in them is lower. Since processing companies act as intermediaries, their services are therefore more expensive, although their connection speed is higher.

Often banks have their own processing companies. In this case, a requirement may be put forward to the organization to open a bank account.

Processing companies can credit funds to any bank selected by the client. In Russia, there is only one autonomous processing center - UCS company.

Stage 2. Formation of the application

After choosing a service provider, you need to contact him through the Internet or by phone. When filling out an application online, the bank representative himself makes contact with the client using feedback, bringing to him the requirements for concluding an agreement.

Stage 3. Collection of necessary documents

When the bank makes a positive decision on connecting the service, the client is provided with a list of necessary documents.

Their main ones are:

  • Registration data.
  • Constituent documents of a legal entity, certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur.
  • Certificate of state registration.
  • Data on open current accounts.
  • Identity and credentials of a store representative.
  • Customer profiles in the form of a bank.

Banks put forward individual requirements for the availability of documentation.

Stage 4. Conclusion of a merchant acquiring agreement

After the bank makes a positive decision on the provision of merchant acquiring, the procedure for concluding the contract occurs. Particular attention is paid to the fundamental rights and obligations of the parties, tariff plans and conditions to avoid contentious issues.

Each bank has developed standard forms of contracts, individual agreements are prescribed in other conditions of the contract.

Stage 5. Selection of equipment

Typically, the bank itself selects the necessary equipment for individual outlets because it is responsible for its work. The client of the service is provided with equipment for rent, he is responsible for its safety.

As equipment used POS - terminals. They are stationary and portable. The latter are more versatile in operation.

Stationary POS - terminals convenient for installation in grocery stores, so that customers independently make payments for purchases.

Portable POS - terminalsin demand in places where there is no fixed point of payment: restaurants, salons, courier services.

In addition to terminals, it is possible to use mechanical devices to print a bank card on a check (imprinters), cash registers with special support.

Large banks have the opportunity to provide equipment for rent at no cost.

For a stable speed and good quality of work, together with the equipment, a decision is made on what kind of communication is necessary with the bank.

The main communication versions are:

  • Local area network with Internet access. It is stable, has a high transaction speed.
  • Telephone line. Communication is stable, but low speed.
  • GSM channel. Wireless connection. Less stable.
  • GPRS channel. Communication is wireless, stable, high speed.

Step 6. Installation of terminals in the store (outlet)

The management of the store together with representatives of the bank stipulate time and a place to install terminals. Financial institutions do all the work on installing and regulating the system’s work at their own expense.

Requirements for the installation of equipment:

  • Horizontal surface measuring 40 * 30 cm.
  • The presence of an electrical outlet.
  • Having a connection connection.

Stage 7. Testing and putting the system into operation

Before the full launch of the system, it is turned on in test mode. At this time, store employees are trained in working with terminals so that they can provide advice to future customers of the store.

Comparison of tariffs of acquiring banks

2.3. Merchant Acquiring Rates - TOP-5 banks with the best deals

Tariffs set by banks for merchant acquiring are individual for customers. High competition, the struggle for customers are forcing banks to develop a wide range of programs and conditions.

The main indicators that determine the cost of services are:

  • Settlement volume through POS - terminal. The greater the turnover through the terminal, the lower the transaction fee.
  • Directions of the trading company.
  • The number of units of devices used.
  • The price of equipment.

Provided terms and fees for merchant acquiring:

BankConnection costPercentDeposit TimeRental for used terminalsSpecial conditions
Sberbankno0,5-2,2%The next day1500-2500 rub. per monthWith increasing speed through the terminal, the percentage decreases
TinkoffnoFrom 1,5%The next day1900 rub. per month
VTB 24no1,6-2,7%The next day1000 rub per monthFor regular customers of the bank, individual conditions apply.
Russian standard from 11 000 rub.1,6%The next dayabsent
Alfa BanknoFrom 0.8%The next day1850 rub. per month

The table shows the banks that have long been working in the system of cash settlement services and acquiring. Sberbank provides the cheapest merchant acquiring with good service conditions, and at the same time requires full transparency in the workflow from the client.

Russian Standard Bank works only with modern, contactless terminals.

2.4. Risks of merchant acquiring for entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneurs)

The activities of individual entrepreneurs in the trading acquiring system are associated with certain risks:

  1. System crash. It can arise for technical reasons, is eliminated by the acquiring bank.
  2. Training. This is done by the Equaire Bank. Before starting the equipment, the staff of the outlet should receive a quality briefing on the principles and conditions of the terminal. Workers should not only be able to make settlements through terminals themselves, but also, if necessary, help clients with this. They must have information about the types of plastic cards, determine their authenticity, and the possibility of canceling the operation. Psychological training is also conducted to identify fraudsters.

Banks carefully monitor the operation of stores in order to prevent fraud and prevent dubious transactions, because if violations are discovered, banks (credit organizations) and stores can be fined.

2.5. The role of merchant acquiring in business

The use of merchant acquiring increases the prestige of the company, allows you to increase its competitiveness, protects against many risks. Being a VIP-client of a bank means applying preferential service tariffs to it, receiving invitations to participate in tenders.

There is an increasing role of acquiring in business management.

Modern merchant acquiring It is not only a simple payment for a product or service. This is the process of creating a modern customer service, used to increase customer loyalty. A bank card has the opportunity to identify the client and receive data on his preferences and actions.

Bank POS-terminals also undergo a modernization process. They are equipped with new communication methods, including wireless. Now they are high-tech devices, with a powerful processor, their own operating system and user applications. Contactless technologies are developing.

View 3. Mobile acquiring 📱

If you use a smartphone to pay for goods and services with a credit card, it’s mobile acquiring.

3.1. Mobile acquiring - what it is and how it works

Definition and importance of mobile acquiring

Mobile Acquiring - This is a system of payment (non-cash), where money for goods or services are transferred through a bank card and gadget.

The mechanism of the mobile and merchant acquiringsame. Calculation is made using MPOS terminal. It is a device that, when connected to the phone, performs a payment operation.

A special service application is installed on the smartphone, after which it becomes possible to make a payment using a bank card.

To make a purchase, the buyer enters a bank card into the terminal, and the necessary information is entered on the phone screen. The payment is confirmed by a unique code sent to the customer’s phone, upon entering which a transaction occurs, excluding the operation of third parties.

With a sufficient amount of money in the card account, the transaction is completed, the buyer is issued a purchase receipt. Receiving a check is possible on a smartphone or e-mail.

Ways to connect a MPOS terminal to a smartphone:

  • USB input
  • audio jack;
  • Bluetooth

The mechanism of the operation in mobile acquiring:

  • When the client enters information, the processing center begins processing the request to confirm the correctness of the data;
  • The acquiring bank identifies the customer and completes the authorization;
  • To determine the bank that issued the card, the data is sent to the payment system, it requests permission to operate in the processing center of the credit organization;
  • Data on the transaction is transmitted to the seller, and the buyer is informed about the payment.

Prospects for the development of mobile acquiring

Due to the high risks for owners of plastic cards, it is possible to reduce the analog variation for mobile devices. The use of digital card readers reduces errors, and controls interference in the process of reading information during payment. Although in general mobile payment systems have good growth prospects. This type of payment is beneficial for all parties to the transaction.

For the complete replacement of terminals with digital devices, a certain amount of time is required; the acquiring bank will make the deciding decision. Since this equipment will be of higher value, where the bank will incur additional costs.

3.2. Who provides services and who needs mobile acquiring

Mobile acquirer services provide credit institutions (banks) and processing companies.

The intermediary functions of processing companies dictate high prices for the service, since the payment is carried out by both the company and the bank.

The main functions of service providers include:

  • Processing incoming requests;
  • Checking the right to perform a transaction;
  • The procedure for transferring funds to the seller;
  • Maintaining and accounting the circulation of documents;
  • Sending the buyer a notification of the transaction.

You can use this service. individual entrepreneurs (IP) private traders, enterprises and organizations. Moreover, if the entrepreneur does not have a current account, funds can be transferred to the account of an individual.

Mobile acquiring is convenient when calculating for those types of businesses that Dont Have stationary facilities.

For example, delivery services, sales of services, taxi. This service is also attractive for restaurants and cafes, where it will be convenient for the visitor to pay with a card on the spot.

3.3. Advantages of mobile acquiring for IP (LLC) and individuals

Mobile Acquiring - This is a compact device, which is not very expensive and has its advantages among other types of acquiring.

The terminals (devices) in mobile acquiring are not tied to one physical place, they can be transported to any point where there is Internet access, to receive a payment it is enough to have a phone or tablet.

The cost of such a card reader is about 2000 rubles, the average amount of commission from 2.5 to 3% with each transaction.

Mobile acquiring for individuals and legal entities has several advantages:

  • Store turnover growth;
  • Provides the ability to compete in the market with certain advantages;
  • Reducing the risks of counterfeit bills, theft. No need for a constant sufficient limit of cash balance;
  • Reduction of collection costs;
  • The opportunity to participate in the bonus programs of the bank.

For customers, this service is also attractive:

  • No need to carry cash;
  • Convenience and ease of operation;
  • A stationary ATM is not required.

Mobile Acquiring Step-by-Step Guide

3.4. How to connect mobile acquiring to legal entities and individuals - step-by-step guide to connecting services

The scheme of operation of mobile settlement systems is the same for private individuals and organizations.

Step number 1. Defining a mobile acquiring service provider

The service providers are processing companies or banks. Processing centers perform intermediary functions, which leads to almost double the cost of services.

The essential requirements of some banks include opening a current account. But there are banks that do not require this condition to be met (the specific conditions for the provision of acquiring services depend on the selected provider).

When contacting a processing center, it is worth analyzing the legal aspects of its work, the possibility of accepting any cards, and certification of equipment.

Step number 2. Filling in the questionnaire

The questionnaire is filled out online or at a personal visit to the bank. The main requirements are the name and details of the organization, line of business, location of a point of sale (legal address), information about the management, contact information.

Step number 3. Conclusion of a mobile acquiring agreement

With a positive decision to connect mobile acquiring, the bank manager contacts the client to conclude an agreement. This is the main document that defines working conditions, rates, requirements, duties both sides.

Tariffs are usually set individually and may be reviewed based on quality performance indicators. This should also be reflected in the signed agreement.

After signing the contract, the payment system registers the organization.

Step number 4. Choosing mobile acquiring equipment

Under the contract, the obligation to provide equipment lies with the acquiring bank. Information is read by terminals from special chips or from magnetic tapes.

Choosing a terminal for mobile acquiring

Connecting a mobile point of sale through audio jack, Bluetooth, USB input.

Digital card readers are distinguished by better communication. Operations with their use have a high level of security, this is ensured by encoding the received information before transferring it to the device.

You can purchase the terminals yourself on various Internet sites, or at the bank - the acquirer. It all depends on the cost and quality of the equipment purchased, the availability of certificates for its use.

Large banks have the opportunity to provide equipment for free.

Step number 5. Application installation and service connection

A special mobile application of the bank is installed on the smartphone, without which it is impossible to connect the service.

You can install the program yourself, or with the help of bank experts. When the terminal is configured, the service is connected automatically and you can start working using a new payment system.

The installation and connection of the service requires 1-3 to 5-7 days.

3.5. What is the cost of connecting mobile acquiring services - TOP-3 banks with the best rates

Services that provide these services charge a fee for each transaction. Usually price range fluctuates from 1% to 3%. Such a slight fluctuation in value is due to international payment system standards.

The commission is charged from the seller, this does not affect the cost of the purchased goods by the buyer. During a transaction, funds are credited to the seller’s account already minus the commission.

The contract may provide for a reduction in the commission with an increase in the cash turnover at the terminal.

Unlike POS terminals, rent for using mobile points of sale not charged, they are invited to purchase ownership.

The comparative amount of the commission for the top 3 banks is presented in the following table:

Name of the bankCommissionEquipment price
Sberbank0,5-2,2%1500-2000 rubles
VTB 241,5%1850 rubles
Alfa Bank2,75%1850 rubles

3.6. The main risks when using mobile Internet acquiring

Possible virus attacks on smartphones lead card theft. This may cause a loss of funds by the card holder. Digital encryption used in digital terminals reduces fraud risk, increases the reliability of the operation.

Possible technical malfunctions in the system can cause difficulties with the calculation.

People who are especially concerned about the safety of funds can be advised to reduce the risk of making cashless payments, transfer funds to the card on the day of the intended purchases.

Service, repair, replacement of mobile devices carries out acquiring bankthat is stipulated in the agreement of the parties. Therefore, the seller should not worry about the cost of repairing equipment.

3.7. Benefits and Benefits of Using Mobile Acquiring

Key features and benefits for entrepreneurs:

  • The use of mobile equipment reduces cash flow, simplifies the work of sellers and cashiers of the store.
  • Service activation is free.
  • The service is activated in 1-3 days.
  • The increase in turnover.
  • Reduced outlet costs.

One of the directions of the development of cashless payments for goods and services is to increase the mobility of acquiring, the buyer can make purchases without attachment to the store, the seller has no additional costs for personnel, rent, equipment.

Recently expanded the scope MPOS terminals. Began to use mobile acquiring more actively Insurance companies and charity organisations. Trust is a way of collecting donations using mobile devices.

Features and Benefits of Mobile, Trading, Internet Acquiring

Pros (+) and cons (-) of acquiring (mobile, trading, Internet)

So, we will analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of acquiring as a system of cashless payments.

Due to its versatility in application, the speed of the transaction, the low cost of acquiring is good helper for business.

The scope of acquiring is very wide: outlets, the shops, supermarkets, diverse service bureaus and wherever transactions related to cash flow are made.

The restrictions on the use of acquiring services at the moment include retail outlets that pensioners visit more often (although pensions are often transferred on a card, they prefer to withdraw cash and make payments) and schoolchildren, for example, in school cafeterias.

For calculations, any type of bank card can be used: debit, credit.

We talked about where to order the best debit cards with interest and cashback in one of the previous issues.

Acquiring procedure takes absolutely some time, easy to implement. The buyer enters the card into the reader, enters a PIN code, the funds are withdrawn from the card account, a payment receipt is issued to the hands.

If we consider the technique of the process, then it looks like this: After the card is activated by the terminal, the data is transmitted to the bank for authentication, with a positive response, funds are transferred to the seller’s account, and payment receipts are issued.

For Russia cashless payments with cards are just beginning to develop. If we take Western countries, the level of card payments there is ten times higher than cash turnover.

In Russia, the state introduces measures to limit the amount of cash payments, laws are being developed for mandatory installation in terminal stores for card payments. Unfortunately, in Russia there are no special benefits for organizations that use bank card payments as payments. This would contribute to the rapid growth rate of the acquiring market.

In addition, the expansion of the possibilities of applying acquiring for calculations is due to a number of undoubted advantages:

  1. Decrease in psychological dependence on cash;
  2. When accumulating savings on the card, you can not limit yourself to the desire to make a purchase for a large amount;
  3. Acquiring increases your average bill by 14%;
  4. Simplification of the work of the store cashier, reduction of overhead costs;
  5. Increased cash storage security.

If the buyer does not have enough cash to buy, in the absence of a terminal, he will simply go to another outlet and the seller will lose his profit. When applying for acquiring services, the revenue of the outlet increases by one third in 3-4 months.

Card payments are convenient for expensive purchases: jewelry stores, car dealerships, natural fur stores.

Acquiring is the main form of payment for online stores. Details about the stages and the creation of an online store can be found on the link in the article.

Advantages of using card payments for individuals:

  • Having a card in your hands, you can not be afraid to lose your money, if lost, it is simply blocked by a call to the bank, protection against theft and fraud.
  • In case of cashless transfers, part of the spent funds can be returned back to the card. Cash back is usually small, but depending on the size of purchases, it can grow.
  • When calculating a card via the Internet bonuses are awarded, additional discounts are provided.
  • When applying for credit cards, an interest-free repayment period can be used, while banks charge fees for cash withdrawals.

Disadvantages of using acquiring.

The disadvantages of these services include a possible technical malfunction of the terminals. But not a single working mechanism is immune from this. In addition, the acquiring bank takes care of the maintenance, so this should not be significant for the seller.

Additional costs caused by connecting this service are until 3% from the amount of turnover and more than pay off for 3-4 months of operation.

When accepting bank cards for payment, there may be the following risks:

  • Using a stolen card.
  • Shop staff fraud.

Banks constantly monitor sellers of goods in order to avoid fraud. Supervision of suspicious transactions.

International payment systems have the right to control card circulation in banks, credit institutions, in turn, provide a constant check of customers.

Doubtful transactions include operations in which the seller received money, but the goods were not received by the client, misrepresentation of the quality of the goods, sale of probes, if funds are debited from his card.

If such transactions are found on acquiring bank and trading company a fine is imposed. The store may be included in the list of banned organizations for connecting to the acquiring service.

Banks rarely refuse to connect acquiring services and there are a number of reasons for this:

  • high competition;
  • unwillingness to lose income.

Acquiring is a mutually beneficial way of business, bank failures average 7-8% cases. The main reason is the poor reputation of the store owner or the outlet itself. A small amount of turnover can cause increased commission or denial of service connection. The bank may have concerns about the unprofitability of the transaction and the not payback of the allocated equipment.

When you connect the card settlement service, you need to pay attention to the choice of the acquiring company. The quality and cost of the provided service will depend on it.

When choosing equipment, it is worth considering that the most budgetary means are MPOS terminalstheir order value 2000 rubles, but they are not suitable for settlements in large retail outlets. There are more expensive types of equipment (contactless modems), they can be rented from the bank.

With a large flow of customers, you need to pay serious attention to the choice of communication. It is carried out through dial-up, GSM, Gprs, Ethernet, Wifi. The Internet is considered the fastest form of communication. Therefore, when choosing a service provider, the payment system with which the financial institution works is specified.

When concluding an agreement on acquiring acquiring, you should carefully read the conditions.

The main points are:

  • Commission;
  • Connection cost;
  • Equipment: the amount of rent or its purchase value;
  • The number of pieces of equipment.
  • Principles of service;
  • The cost of training employees;
  • The availability of the option to reduce the commission with an increase in account revolutions.

Many banks offer free employee training terminals, expendable materials, equipment installation.

Thus, the advantages of acquiring, as a settlement system, completely cover its disadvantages. The benefit is obvious to all parties to the transaction: to the buyer, seller, jar.

This settlement system has good development prospects in our country and around the world in particular. Payment by card becomes the norm.

According to statistics, annually non-cash payments for goods increase by 20%, the bank card market is growing. Today, there are international and Russian bank cards.

International payment systems include:

  • Visa
  • Master Card;
  • Amex;
  • DC
  • JCB, etc.

To Russian payment systems: PRO100 (Sbercard), Golden Crown, Amur Tiger, etc.

Banks are pursuing a policy of increasing tariffs for cash withdrawals from plastic cards, it becomes non-cash payment profitably.

Despite the conservatism of the Russians, is in the habit of using a bank card not only to receive wages, but also for payments for goods, payment for services. This service is especially in demand for people with medium and high incomes.

The issuance by banks of credit cards with established credit limits allows you to make purchases even with insufficient funds in the current account, the favorable conditions are interest-free lending periods.

In general, we can conclude that there is a plastic card acquiring market in Russia. Most large and medium-sized trade and service enterprises actively use cashless payments with bank cards. Important areas of development are the introduction of additional client services. This may be a program of discounts and bonuses, where the main goal is to attract a certain constant circle of customers for a stable income.

Conclusion + video on the topic

Despite the crisis, the development of acquiring services contributes to the growth of electronic commerce, although most of it (more than 70%) is in cash circulation. Outlets that previously carried out trade with direct contacts with customers open online stores selling their goods. Minimum overhead costs, lack of rent make this online business very attractive.

Also, the penetration of the Internet and modern technologies in the field of smartphones and other gadgets will contribute to the development, this is especially promising for the Russian regions.

It is worth noting certain technological factors that support the development of this industry, in particular, startups.

What is a startup and what ideas are the most promising, we wrote in our separate article.

These are cloud and biometric technologies, payment innovations, improvement of consumer characteristics.

Subject to the increased requirements for the security of payments, the maximum use of technological capabilities, a high level of payment protection is provided.

Any business leader interested in developing and promoting his brand, in increasing sales, having considered all virtues and limitations modern types of payments, will certainly be interested in acquiring, as an effective and profitable way of settlements.

In conclusion, we offer you to watch a video about the principle of operation of trading, mobile and Internet acquiring:

We hope that the information provided in the article seemed to you informative, and you will use this information to save your own time and receive additional income from purchases made by your customers.

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Watch the video: HOW TO BUY BITCOIN 2019 - Easy Ways to Invest In Cryptocurrency For Beginners! (October 2024).

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