How to create a beautiful kitchen interior?

Of course, we all understand that the concept of beauty is quite relative, and everyone’s tastes are completely different, moreover, in any area, whether it’s a matter of appearance or interior design. For example, for someone, the option of a beautiful kitchen is seen in a classic version with rather massive wooden furniture facades, with stained-glass windows and crystal lamps. And for someone, such a dizzy pomposity and a much nicer metallic shine of a modern style, where all the lines are clear and strict, are not needed at all. So, to taste, the color of a friend, as you know, no. And yet, there are some general rules, observing which you can create not only a beautiful, but also a comfortable kitchen interior. Let us dwell on this in more detail.

What should be considered so that the kitchen is beautiful and comfortable

The reality is that in the kitchen we spend most of our time, and not only for the purpose of eating and cooking, but also for gatherings with family or friends, thus turning it into a dining room or even a living room.

Therefore, our task is to make it as convenient as possible for ourselves and as beautiful and attractive as possible for receiving guests. This requires a competent approach to space planning and style selection, if you want to create a creative workshop, but at the same time, a cozy home environment. And yet, it is very important to remember the functionality of the kitchen, namely the preparation of food.

Accordingly, the necessary items of equipment and household appliances should be thought out in advance, even before the start of repair, because they need a permanent place. When planning, it is necessary to take into account the findings under the water and sewer. If this is an apartment, then they already exist, in connection with which the choice of options for a possible arrangement of furniture is very limited. However, on this occasion, there is one very good rule of the triangle, providing for the placement of a stove, sink and refrigerator at the ends of an equilateral triangle, and with a side of no more than two and a half meters.

You should also pay attention to the area and shape of the premises of your kitchen. If you have niches, bay windows or pantries, you can beat them very advantageously. In addition, you need to take into account the level of illumination of the room, which side the kitchen windows face. The number of people living is also taken into account in order to determine the intensity and frequency of cooking and the number of people gathering at the same time at the table. If all these points are well thought out and planned, this will save you from making mistakes, for example, with the choice of furniture or equipment or with their arrangement.

Decide on the style of the kitchen

There are also so many people on this issue, so many opinions. Well, if your preferences coincide with the rest of the family - you can create an interior of a beautiful kitchen without any problems. However, there are not rare cases when there are disagreements in ideas about the beautiful. Although, this is also not fatal, because compromise is still possible. For example, using eclecticism in the interior is a mixture of styles, which is very popular today. The main thing that should not be forgotten - every piece of furniture, even if it is an insignificant accessory, must be combined with some other item. Nothing should be random and isolated. And literally all objects to connect with each other in a single color, shape and style is absolutely not necessary.

For example, you chose the classic style of the kitchen, but at the same time, you decided to put a bright sofa in a modern style there. In this case, it is necessary to support this sofa with something else, for example, curtains, a chandelier or a picture that will be in the same style and color. Because the most beautiful is considered, above all, harmonious cuisine. Of course, this is much easier to achieve if the entire kitchen is made in the same style. For example, if we talk about the classics, then it is most suitable for a spacious room, where there are high ceilings and window openings are elongated. Typically, the shape and binding of the windows is supported by glass inserts of the facades of the hanging cabinets. The technique in this case is best built-in, which will close the furniture facades. Otherwise, all items of equipment should have the same color with no metallic luster.

If the room is small, but at the same time bright enough, then the modernist style will do just fine. This style is created for people who do not accept any frills. Such a small but beautiful kitchen is perfectly suited by modern household appliances, which there is no need to hide behind the facades, as well as unusual original lamps and fittings.

Country or rustic style is suitable for those who prefer inexpensive natural materials. Here, frying pans and dishes hanging on hooks standing directly on open shelves will be appropriate, of course, everything should be clean and shiny. A similar interior is decorated with textiles, for example, using pillows in the kitchen corner, simple short curtains and a homespun striped doormat.

If you are a fan of hi-tech style, then even pipes and cables are appropriate in such an interior, which you can not only hide, but also make them an ornament. In this interior, literally everything should shine: chrome surfaces of household appliances, glossy facades, glass worktops and dishes. Here, both crystal pendants and lush folds are completely excluded. There should not be any tree here. Furniture facades are usually made of MDF coated with glossy enamel, or from ordinary plastic.

The kitchen should be comfortable and cozy

Regardless of the chosen style, your kitchen, first of all, should be as comfortable and cozy as possible, because it is primarily for you to be in it, and not for your guests, who will appear only periodically. Therefore, no one except yourself is worth listening to, and it is not worth blindly following fashion. Just remember and try to follow simple rules:

  • you don’t need to strive to recreate the picture you saw in a magazine or on the Internet, remember that it is beautiful to repair and furnish the room - that’s not all, in order to create comfort, you must take an individual part and invest your soul, then the interior will be according to - truly comfortable;
  • observe the measure with respect to decor, remember that too many all kinds of decorative plates or figurines require careful care in order to keep them clean, otherwise what kind of comfort can we talk about;
  • do not clutter up the space, especially in the eating area, which should look lighter than the working one;
  • it is better to use zoned lighting, by embedding small lamps, or using the same in shape, but different in size chandeliers

And the last - do not be afraid to realize your ideas and fantasies. Remember that creating an interior of a beautiful kitchen is comparable to sequential application of a desired image on a blank sheet.

Watch the video: Kitchen Remodeling. Beautiful Kitchens. Interior Design (October 2024).

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