100 ideas with photos for decorating a studio apartment

Repair in a one-room apartment is not an easy task. In addition to the fact that in one room it is necessary to arrange a living room, a bedroom and a workplace (the minimum set for families in which there are no children), so also the bathroom and kitchen most often have a very modest area. But even in a small apartment you can equip a cozy, stylish and incredibly functional home. You only need to correctly plan the available square meters and use design techniques to visually increase the space. Whatever area your apartment has, making a cozy nest from it is a doable task. After all, designers have accumulated vast experience in arranging homes of various sizes and shapes, we will use their advice and arrange our small-sized housing with comfort.

Options for repairing a studio apartment. Photo

Depending on the quadrature of a one-room apartment, one or another action can be taken to increase its real size. But no matter how large your home is, it’s obvious that there will always be a shortage of space. Therefore, the owners go to various constructive and design tricks:

  • combine a bathroom - connect the toilet to the bathroom. In the resulting room is placed not only a bath (or shower), sink and toilet, but also a washing machine. In toga, there is no need to integrate a household appliance into the kitchen, which significantly unloads the kitchen environment;
  • connect a single room with a loggia, increasing the space by several square meters (the loggia must be insulated and waterproofed);
  • demolishing the partition between the kitchen and the living room (which is also a bedroom, an office and, possibly, a nursery) to obtain one spacious room in which all functional segments will be located;
  • Some layouts of one-room apartments involve the expansion of the room due to the demolition of the partition with a corridor or an entrance hall.

It is important to remember that any redevelopment will need to be legalized in the relevant departments. Some alterations will require the transfer of communication systems - electrical wiring, sewage, water supply, pipes and heating radiators.

In addition to structural alterations, you can use a number of design techniques that will help visually increase the area of ​​the home. Their advantage is the absence of the need for permission of any organs and the relative simplicity of execution;

  • the use of a light palette for surface finishing - white color perfectly reflects the light and allows it to spread almost unhindered throughout the room;
  • mirror surfaces will help to visually “erase” the boundaries of space - these can be inserts on the facades of furniture or part of the finish;
  • glass and glossy surfaces also contribute to a visual increase in the volume of rooms (for example, a glossy stretch ceiling will help visually increase the height of the room);
  • large windows, doors with glass inserts - any tricks that contribute to saturating the room with natural light;
  • multilevel artificial lighting system - pendant chandeliers, wall sconces, built-in lamps and backlight strips - each functional segment should have its own lighting device;
  • use of simple in terms of performance and light furniture;
  • getting rid of all unnecessary and minimizing the decor (the use of mainly wall-mounted decorative elements in reasonable quantities).

Design one-room apartment 40 square meters. m. Photo

Studio apartment with an area of ​​40 square meters. m is a good option. This can be said by any owner of a small-sized dwelling or those who happened to live in "small families" and living rooms. "Having such volumes, you can easily create a comfortable, functional, modern and beautiful interior, the relevance of which will be valid for several years. In an apartment with such You can’t even use redevelopment, but use only design techniques to visually expand the space, but it all depends on the size and shape of the main room and the number of households who live on these forty square martial meters.

If a room should function as a full-fledged living room during the day, and become a bedroom at night, then the best option for a young couple without children is to use a bed with a folding mechanism, which can compactly “hide” in a closet. Modern models can withstand heavy weight, easy to use, and accessories have high strength and reliability.

If sleeping on a folding sofa in the living room, which turns into a bed at night, is not an acceptable option for you, then you need to consider the possibility of creating a secluded segment to decorate the bedroom. Even a very small area of ​​sleep and rest will be a separate room. In this case, experts recommend using glass partitions, which allow sunlight to penetrate into the sleeping area during the day, and in the evening and at night you can use curtains or fabric blinds to create a secluded atmosphere.

If the layout of the room allows you to place the sleeping area in one part of the room (not in the center of the room), then it can be separated by a normal curtain. If the curtains are open, then the room appears in front of us with its entire area, if it is necessary to create a secluded environment, it is enough to close the curtains or textile blinds.

Design of a one-room apartment of 30 sq. M. Photo

An area of ​​30 square meters. m can hardly be called sufficient for a family of three with a child. But for bachelors or couples without children, such a modest-sized dwelling can well be designed with a high level of comfort, functionality and aesthetics. We bring to your attention several design projects of apartments of modest sizes, in which it was possible to maintain a sense of freedom and some space, subject to all the rules of ergonomics.

Separation of a bed in a small room of a small apartment is one of the most difficult tasks. Partitions visually reduce space, but you can’t do without them if you need to have at least partial privacy in the sleep and rest zone. The best option is to install the rack. Most often, open shelves are used to store books, documents and any office, sometimes a TV is mounted in the center of the partition. Not a high rack will allow, on the one hand, to create an isolation for the bed, and on the other, it will not completely block the lighting in the sleeping area, coming from the central chandelier in the room.

Layout of a studio apartment in a modern style

Modern style "prefers" spacious and bright rooms. But what if your one-room apartment, even with a big stretch, cannot be called spacious? There is only one way out: combining space and using techniques to visually increase the volume. A room without partitions with a large window (or more than one), a light finish and a laconic choice of furniture always seems larger than its size. The image is light, breathing freedom and spaciousness. Get rid of all that is superfluous, leave only the necessary furniture, functional decor and a minimum of textiles, provide the space with a sufficient level of artificial lighting and arrange lighting fixtures locally or in the form of a ribbon illumination in each functional area - a fresh and comfortable image of the room is ready.

Here is a design project for an apartment in which, despite the presence of narrow and long rooms, it was possible to create a comfortable and stylish atmosphere. Glass partitions, glossy surfaces, minimalism in the choice of decor and simplicity in the execution of furniture are the basic principles for creating a modern, functional and at the same time attractive exterior.

Here is another interesting design project of an apartment decorated in a modern style. The interior concept is based on contrasting combinations. The alternation of dark and light surfaces helps to emphasize the geometry of the room, highlight functional segments and bring dynamics to the image. The atmosphere is concise and even to some extent minimalist - simple shapes and lines help to create a comfortable and at the same time comfortable atmosphere. With the help of light curtains, it is possible not only to regulate the level of natural light, but also to create privacy in the zone of sleep and rest.

Interior of a kitchen in a studio apartment

A kitchen within a one-room dwelling can be a separate room or be part of one large (or medium in size) space. Whether to combine a kitchen with a common room is your decision and it will depend on many factors:

  • number of households:
  • the size of the kitchen and the common room, layout;
  • location of communication systems (it is not always possible to transfer gas pipes, for example);
  • the number of storage systems and household appliances that must be placed in the working area of ​​the kitchen;
  • selected style of registration of the apartment.

Combining the kitchen room with the common space, you get one, but spacious and bright room, the possibilities for the manifestation of designer imagination in which will be much more than in two zones. Especially when you consider the fact that one of them has a modest area of ​​5.5-6.5 square meters. m. But difficulties in this case are inevitable - you need to get a powerful and most silent hood, and also make sure that the design of the kitchen segment matches the interior of the entire space.

No matter what area a room in a small apartment has, the kitchen area will still be modest in size. Therefore, experts recommend using light shades for the execution of the kitchen facades of a furniture set. To add emphasis to the image of the kitchen area, you can use bright tiles to decorate the kitchen apron or install colorful retro-models of household appliances (modern options with an original design present an original and multifunctional mix). Also, light surfaces can be alternated with elements of wood (countertops, part of the finish or kitchen facades of one of the tiers of cabinets).

For a bachelor apartment, a kitchen area will be enough, which literally fits on one countertop and a pair of hanging cabinets (or open shelves). Built-in hob and sink, a place for meals - everything fits on one console, which is attached to the wall and may not even rely on any support, providing all the space under it for a convenient location for eating.

Another version of the working area of ​​the kitchen for a small family is a furniture mini-set with built-in appliances in the closet. Your kitchen is literally located inside the closet. And household appliances and storage systems will be compact, concise, but you will have the opportunity to simply close the cabinet doors (or move the compartment doors) and get a full living room.

Modest bathroom

In one-room apartments, as in most standard dwellings dating back to the last century, the bathroom does not differ in large sizes. Most often, a bath (shower), sink, toilet and storage systems should be located on an area of ​​not more than 3.5 square meters. Over the years, the use of combined bathrooms, designers and their customers have developed the most rational layout of the plumbing in the bathrooms. It was also confirmed that when connecting the bathroom and the toilet, it is possible to carve out space for installing the washing machine.

But only a rational arrangement of plumbing fixtures in a modest-sized bathroom is indispensable. It is necessary to visually increase a small space. They are used as standard techniques - choosing a light color palette, using glossy tiles, using mirrors and glass surfaces, providing excellent lighting for a small room. So it is inherent mainly for utilitarian spaces - it is possible to use a bright-color edging against a light finish to visually increase the height of the bathroom, use vertical decor and the location of rectangular tiles for the same purpose. On the floor, for visual expansion of the space, you can apply diagonal laying of porcelain stoneware.

Multifunctional and built-in sanitary ware in a small bathroom is the key to successful design. We build in a bathtub, which, thanks to a practically invisible glass partition and a watering can mounted in the wall, can also play the role of a shower. And hanging toilets and sinks will help to save precious centimeters of usable space and give the interior a modern look.

Several life hacks for small homes

Designers around the world have long been training their skills in creating practical, beautiful and functional ideas for small dwellings. If your one-room apartment has a modest area, then this does not mean that it cannot be a comfortable, stylish and ergonomic home. We suggest you familiarize yourself with interesting design ideas for organizing storage systems and workplaces in apartments with small and medium sizes.

Watch the video: 100 Small Studio Apartments With Beautiful Design Best Decorating Ideas (October 2024).

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