Wallpaper for the bedroom: fashion trends 2019

Often, the choice of wallpaper for a bedroom becomes especially difficult, because it is here that the family spends the most time, especially when she wants to rest and relax. It is for this reason that you need to responsibly approach their choice in such a way that you can enjoy a style that promotes relaxation.

Varieties of wallpaper

The most affordable and environmentally friendly option is paper wallpaper, which has a huge selection of shades and colors. In addition, they are very easy to glue due to their low weight. However, they also have drawbacks, the main among which is their fragility. It is also worth noting that paper wallpapers are short-lived, easily contaminated, sensitive to the rays of the sun and can absorb negative odors. On the other hand, the bedroom is not intended for active use, so for her this is a great option.

Vinyl wallpapers can last for many years, in addition, if they get dirty, you can easily fix it and just wash them. A wide selection of textures and color versions will also please, which guarantees a combination of styles and a wealth of choice of a suitable bedroom interior. However, most experts believe that this type of wallpaper is unhealthy, therefore it is not advisable to glue it in the bedroom, because here a person spends a lot of time, in particular, resting and sleeping.

Non-woven wallpaper is also not considered environmentally friendly, but they can often be seen in a bedroom in the Provence style. These wallpapers require subsequent painting, and can withstand more than one cycle of coloring. This factor makes them durable, in addition, they are not expensive, which means their use is financially beneficial.

Natural wallpaper is a paper base with special processing. For application only natural materials are used, in particular it can be: cotton, bamboo, reed or jute. If you consider that in 2018, environmental friendliness and the use of all natural are gaining the main popularity, then this type of wallpaper will be the most relevant and preferred. The only drawback of this type of wallpaper is its solid cost.

Liquid wallpaper is a wallpaper that is a decorative type of plaster. They need to be applied as a mixture of pulp and glue. As soon as the wallpaper dries, they create an elegant picture with no seams. This type of wallpaper is very convenient in terms of pollution, it is enough to remove the damaged area and re-apply the solution. A bedroom with liquid wallpaper looks very stylish and comfortable, and most importantly, this type of coating is also safe for health.

Choosing the best wallpaper color for the bedroom in 2018

Each person in most cases goes to the bedroom in order to relax as much as possible, enjoy the comfort and, finally, relax after a hard working day. In this case, the best option would be a wallpaper of blue, blue and other colors of calm tones. If you use dark blue wallpaper, they will give the bedrooms a visual darkness, which means that falling asleep in such conditions will be easier and more comfortable.

For people engaged in an intellectual occupation, it is better to use green wallpaper, as it helps mental discharge and relieves stress. In general, it is worth noting that it still depends on the size of the room, light colors visually increase the bedroom, but dark shades can make a large room more compact.
If the windows of the bedroom overlook the sunny side and are quite hot in summer, then you need to use gray shades with a slight metallic sheen. Of course, they do not give actual coolness, but this is not required. The main thing is that a feeling of coolness is created due to such a combination of colors, and only air conditioning can help to cope with the actual heat, which can be matched to the wallpaper. Such a color scheme is able to compensate for the scorching sun, which means it will provide an opportunity to relax comfortably in an environment conducive to this. Beige and brown shades of wallpaper, on the contrary, are able to create a warm atmosphere and are suitable for a bedroom with windows facing the north side. It is also important to consider that such shades will not become as flashy as orange or red, which means that it will not visually irritate the eyes.

Black wallpaper. Initially, it seems that they are not suitable for the bedroom, since the black color is considered very gloomy, without shades. However, despite this, many designers believe that in 2018 this is a relevant color, which can also contribute to relaxation and rest. In addition, it is not necessary to make the entire bedroom black, you can use interesting combinations. For example, a black and white bedroom will create a feeling of the complete opposite of the sides of the room, a black and gray shade will give comfort, and a black and gold outwardly will enrich the bedroom. You can also use wallpaper with patterns or prints. By combining the wallpaper horizontally and vertically, one of the walls can be contrasted, which will also be striking and will delight the guests of the owner.

New 2018 year welcomes shades of pink and lilac colors, however such wallpapers are suitable only for a girl or woman’s bedroom. Agree that a male or family bedroom with pink wallpaper looks ridiculous and inappropriate. Dark purple or its shades are very rarely used in the bedroom, as they can cause anxiety and irritation.

Yellow color is positive and able to charge with energy, but this is not necessary in the bedroom, therefore it is better to use this color in the living room, and not in the bedroom. However, here you can find a way out, choosing the right shade and lighting can make it so that in the evening the wallpapers will be muffled and darker, but in the morning they will contribute to awakening and a charge of vivacity for the whole day.

Design Nuances

Color scheme is not the only external indicator for wallpaper. A very important role is the ornament that adorns the wallpaper. In the women's bedroom, you can stick wallpaper with flowers, it looks very gentle. Using country style or Provence, you can recreate a pleasant and romantic atmosphere. For men, wallpaper with geometric ornaments that can look very good in almost any style is suitable. For a married couple, the best way to decorate a bedroom in 2018 is with floral motifs. This style of design contributes to the connection with nature. Striped or cage wallpaper will become universal, due to this solution, you can not only adjust the geometry of the room, but also create an original interior.

If you make the wallpaper monophonic, but at the same time very interesting and attractive, you should use textured wallpapers with embossed ornaments, they will give the bedroom a certain elegance and severity.

Watch the video: Interior design bedroom 2019 Home Decorating Ideas (October 2024).

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