How to quickly learn hypnosis on your own

Every person knows about the existence of hypnosis. However, only a few are interested in how to learn hypnosis on their own. If you fall into this small category of people, today's article will be interesting.

Hypnosis is an effect on the human psyche. People who are fluent in this art use special techniques and sound effects to introduce the client into such a state. Exposure brings a short-term halt in the activity of consciousness, which changes a person’s behavior. Being in this state, he can execute various commands.

Three types of hypnosis are shared. I will briefly describe each. I note that the impact on consciousness is harmful and useful.

  • Classic hypnosis. It provides for the impact directly on human consciousness using clear guidelines and formulations. The classic type of hypnosis is used on stage and in medicine, it helps to normalize sleep, treat phobias and neuroses, and fight addictions. The classic version helps quit drinking and smoking.
  • Hidden hypnosis. It implies an indirect effect on the psyche and consciousness. A latent form of hypnosis is used in business, advertising, and politics for the sake of certain benefits.
  • Psychotropogenic hypnosis. It is based on the use of various narcotic and psychotropic substances and drugs that strongly affect the psyche.

Hypnosis is a procedure in which a person is immersed in a trance under the influence of medications and monotonous stimuli. In turn, trance is the concentration of attention on an irritant of an internal or external nature. Being in this state, a person cannot rationally analyze and control the information that penetrates his consciousness.

Where to begin

The reasons why people want to learn hypnosis quickly at home are very different. Some people like experiments with consciousness, others are attracted by a pleasant state of trance, which helps to solve mental problems.

  1. If you really decide to learn hypnosis, first of all, understand that while comprehending the basics of this art you will endanger yourself. There is a likelihood of falling into a trance, from which one cannot get out without the help of an expert.
  2. To achieve the goal, read thematic material, learn to strengthen and fix the state of trance. Remember, the ability to fall into a trance without help will only appear over time.
  3. Some people do not need to learn, because from birth they can hypnotize others on a subconscious level. Remember the merchants who provoke the customer to buy unnecessary things.
  4. If you want to become a professional hypnotist, believe in yourself. It is recommended to develop this feeling gradually, trying to protect it as much as possible.
  5. Hypnosis abilities detract from certain qualities. We are talking about insincerity, nicotine or alcohol addiction, regular use of coffee and other drinks of an exciting nature.

You got the first idea of ​​how to learn hypnosis on your own. Over time, gain experience and master complex versions of the impact on consciousness, including waking suggestion. This technique is like magic. With its help, you can hypnotize a person without diving into a state of sleep, it allows you to penetrate the subconscious, overcoming consciousness.

How to learn hypnosis at home

Hypnosis was born long ago. He used to be an element of occult science, but now it is considered part of psychotherapy. In ancient times, any information relating to the introduction of a person into a trance was considered secret knowledge owned by selected persons. Nowadays, everyone can learn to hypnotize people if they learn how to learn hypnosis at home.

Studying hypnosis at home has many advantages - it allows you to independently set the mode of classes, choose a training system and trance technique.

  • Find out what can prevent you from learning hypnosis. We are talking about various forms of addiction, the irregular use of stimulating drinks, erratic activities and lack of faith in one's strengths.
  • Any specialist should have certain qualities, and a hypnotist is no exception. A person who owns hypnosis is a restrained and confident person, characterized by the ability to concentrate and control himself.
  • Moving towards the goal, develop the listed qualities. As a result, this will have a positive effect on willpower, concentration and self-control.
  • Literature will help speed up learning. Books and prints are sold in specialized stores. Just look at the nearest bookstore and purchase a few tutorials.
  • To obtain the result of theoretical knowledge is not enough. Continue to do exercises of varying difficulty to help you master your skills.

I shared a brief instruction on how to learn hypnosis at home. Before you begin to act actively, determine whether such abilities are needed. If you are guided by curiosity, you will not get a good result, as this requires perseverance and consistency. However, this will allow you to become smarter and increase intelligence.

If you intend to master the technique of manipulating people, I’m afraid, in the end, disappointment awaits. The fact is that such skills together with great knowledge are accompanied by a huge responsibility. Therefore, when studying hypnosis, strive for self-development for the benefit of society.

The secrets of hypnosis through the eyes

The eye can attract, suppress, fascinate, and even burn. Any serious hypnotist is fluent in the technique of hypnosis through the eyes. It is safe to say that gaze is a powerful tool of influence.

According to experts, only a person who can concentrate, concentrate and transmit thoughts at a distance can hypnotize people with their eyes. Such a skill will not appear on its own. It should be trained and developed.

The method of hypnotizing people that I will share in the old days has gained immense popularity in Europe. Even modern experts make extensive use of it. Mastering the technique will require patience, perseverance, a couch and an assistant.

  1. The assistant needs to sit comfortably on the couch, and the hypnotist needs to bend over his head and look into the eyes. All thoughts should concentrate on the assistant's dream. Perform the procedure in complete silence.
  2. If you want to master the technique, prepare for the fact that in order to achieve the result, you will have to sit over the subject’s face for several hours. In most cases, the result appears after thirty minutes of exchanging glances.
  3. Initially, the assistant can resist. But, after a few minutes, notice that his efforts are gradually weakening. In the end, he will fall into a dream.

Focused Eye Exercise

Effective exercise will help accelerate the learning of hypnosis with a look. On a piece of paper, draw a small circle with a diameter of about three centimeters. Fasten the sheet in front of the eyes when you take a sitting position.

Having taken a comfortable position on the chair, carefully look at this circle. During the process, imagine that rays come out of your eyes that close in the drawn figure. Continue training until tears appear. Perform the exercise for several days in a row.

With this exercise, learn the technique of concentration of the gaze at a certain point, which is important for achieving the goal. Remember, a focused eye can even be felt with your back. You don’t even have to become psychic.

With the help of tips, tricks and recommendations that I shared, you will become a good hypnotist. To go into the professional league will require a lot of training and not give up.

Hypnosis history

The story of hypnosis is as interesting as the story of the New Year. Therefore, I dedicate the final part of the story to her.

The discoverers of hypnosis are ancient shamans who lived on the planet many centuries ago. In those days, people widely used the technique of immersion in a trance. This condition was used by shamans for various purposes.

With the help of a trance they raised the morale of the soldiers, treated the sick and predicted the future. At the end of the 19th century, the study of phenomena related to hypnosis gained a scientific character. Among the people who made a huge contribution to the development of hypnosis, there were also scientists from Russia.

The domestic history of hypnosis was accompanied by ups, downs and loud scandals. For example, in the mid-19th century, a visiting hypnotist named Gensen was popular. The cost of the session, which was held in a small apartment, was 200 rubles - at that time a lot of money.

Domestic scientists in the field of neurology and psychiatry, who managed to attend specialist sessions, strongly criticized him. Conducting public hypnosis was later banned by the Medical Council. They were allowed to use the technique only for healing people, provided that another doctor was present at the session.

Since that moment, the development of hypnosis in our country has slowed down significantly. According to patients, they did not seek help from specialists, since they had to pay for the services of two doctors at the same time.

Two decades later, the Medical Council repealed the ban on public hypnosis. Naturally, over the past time, doctors have completely abandoned the use of techniques, as they did not want to risk their own situation.

Watch the video: How To Hypnotize Yourself - Self Hypnosis (October 2024).

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