Growing gloxinia Shagane: how to plant, care, fight disease? Flower photo

Maria Berestova wrote: “If you look in the eye of a flower, you can see your own heart.” These wonderful creatures are important for man. They perfectly calm and give positive emotions.

Gloxinia Shagane is one of the most beautiful representatives of the flower kingdom. Her bright and unusual flowers will not leave anyone indifferent.

So how to grow such beauty at home? How to make her live for a long time? You will find the answers to these questions in the article below.

Botanical Description

REFERENCE! These beautiful flowers came to us from the tropics, gloxinia is a hybrid of the Gesneriaceae family.

Gloxinia Shagane - Tuberous Perennial, their rhizomes are scaly, and the stem is erect. Leaves are two in each node, cross-pairwise, less often the leaf blade is divided into three parts. The stem and leaves have a velvety surface or are almost bare.

The flowers are single, blue or purple, bell-shaped. Has four stamens, annular nectar or is completely absent at all, many small seeds. The corolla at gloxinia is tubular (pink, purple, white or brown).


Here you can find photos of this flower

History of creation

In 1785, Benjamin Peter Gloxin, at the age of twenty, found and accurately described in Brazil a flower of incredible beauty, which was later named in his honor. The second name of gloxinia is synningia. He gave it to him by William Sinning, who studied tropical plants. He bred a variety of varieties of this creation.


These are incredibly attractive creatures. This gloxinia species has large flowers with white petals, blue at the edges, strewn with purple and violet peas. The leaves are light, and the peduncle is low.

Where and how to plant?

For landing you will need:

  1. Water.
  2. Peat land.
  3. Gloxinia tubers.
  4. Potassium permanganate.
ATTENTION! Tubers are best purchased in late February or early March. You can’t blindly take the first ones. They should be carefully examined so that they are not rotten or wrinkled.

The larger the tubers, the stronger the flowering of the shagane. It is better to have kidneys on them if you want the sprouts to hatch faster. Before you start planting, you must prepare the ground. The roots of gloxinia are thin and quite soft, so it is necessary that the earth is loose. The pot itself, of course, must have the correct shape, that is, not deep and wide.

For a possible earthen mixture, you can use:

  1. Peat land.
  2. Sand.
  3. Charcoal.
  4. A small amount of dolomite flour.

So, we got everything we need, prepared the land. How to plant gloxinia:

  1. For half an hour, lower the tuber into a warm solution of potassium permanganate with a pinkish tint.
  2. To dry.
  3. Plant to a depth of 1-2 centimeters on a par with the soil, or deepen to a half the height of the tuber.

How to care?


  1. Lighting and location. It is forbidden to leave the plant under the influence of direct sunlight, since they very burn it, and spots form on the leaves. Nevertheless, he needs a lot of sunlight during growth and flowering. If it is not enough, then you need to add lighting. In addition, there should be no drafts near the plant. If they are there where the flower pot is located, then after gloxinia flowers will later fall.
  2. Watering. At first, watering should be done very carefully, due to careless handling, rot may begin.

    IMPORTANT! Do not pour water on the tuber itself! Also, the water must first be defended and slightly warmed up, since it is impossible to pour cold water. It is necessary to water around it, along the edge of the earth.

    When the first leaves appear, you can gently begin to increase watering. Spraying also can not be done directly on them, but only around to maintain humidity.

  3. Top dressing. Feeding your pet is a must. This must be done once a week. As a top dressing, it is possible to use a specialized fertilizer for flowers, they contain all the necessary trace elements. The flowering period is long, usually lasts from May to the end of September.

Fall and winter

After the summer, Shagane needs a couple of months to rest.

  1. Watering. When the leaves begin to fade, this means that the volume of water needs to be reduced. You can not continue watering when the aerial part of the plant dries. At this time, watering practically ceases ... But moisture is still needed in winter in the plant to avoid drying out of the tubers. Only this should be done no more than once a month. The amount of moisture must be very restrained.
  2. Where to hold. At this time, it must be taken to a room with cool air, where the temperature remains about +10 unchanged.

    If the room is colder, then at the time of subsequent flowering, flowers that have not yet had time to open will fall. If you have a small gloxinia. You can not leave it for the winter if it sprouted from seeds only in the fall, as most likely the baby did not have time to grow the tuber to the size necessary for wintering. Leave it in a warm place and continue to water.

    REFERENCE! You can leave for the winter only such a plant, which already has at least six pairs of leaves.

    You can also take care of gloxinia in a different way after the summer period:

    • Dig her tuber out of the pot.
    • Place in a transparent plastic bag in which you first put the earth and moss (first sprinkling them with water).
    • Tie a bag.

    A transparent bag will provide an opportunity at any time to see if the tuber has begun to sprout, and the moss guarantees sufficient humidity. Leaving in winter and autumn is not difficult, but it is also worth approaching it with all responsibility.


If the rest time passed in a pot, in the spring gloxinia should be set on the windowsill and begin to increase the amount of water. Soon new shoots will break through. If the tuber was kept in a bag during the wintering season, then it must again be planted in the ground in April.

  1. Awakening care.
    • For faster recovery, you can cover the pot with a plastic bag.
    • But before planting, the tuber must be inspected, because during the wintering a variety of sores could appear. If such areas are found, then they are cut out and processed.
    • To completely make sure that there are no bacteria left, you can immerse the tuber for a while in a pink solution of potassium permanganate as a whole.
    • In the case when it is very dry, the plant may no longer be restored. This happens when a tuber is bought at a store.
    • If there is still uncertainty about the health of gloxinia, its condition after winter, then it is necessary to cut the tuber. The slice should be pink or yellow, then the slices are processed, and the parts are planted separately. If there are dark spots, then they are cut out, the wounds are treated with an antiseptic, the tuber is planted. But if the cut is brown or black, then the synningia is dead.
  2. Top dressing. In the spring they are also needed. The first may contain nitrogen. In further feeding, its amount must be reduced, it should be less.

Common Diseases and Pests

REFERENCE! Each plant can get sick, gloxinia is no exception, its diseases can be from improper or inattentive care, or when infected with pests.

These are the diseases that are most often found:

  1. Overdried tuber. In this case, the syningia is not reborn.
  2. Poor growth and twisting of flowers, with improper storage, attack of insects, from hypothermia. What to do? Inspect the flower for possible pest infection, feed, remove from drafts.
  3. Redness of leaves due to lack of phosphorus.
  4. Yellowing leaves due to lack of nitrogen fertilizers, too hard or cold water, overflow, low acidity of the soil. What to do? Dig a plant and check the condition of the tuber, change the soil.
  5. "Thrust" shoots up with a lack of lighting, excessively high temperature, a large amount of nitrogen. What to do? Immediately change the circumstances of the flower's life, cut off too large shoots and give the opportunity to grow roots.
  6. Searing the Lower Foliage with a lack of humidity, a large amount of water, fungal or bacterial diseases. What to do? Treat the plant with fungicide, even out the amount of water.
  7. Leaf curl due to violation of the rules of care, overfeeding with potassium. What to do? Pay attention to the correct watering, whether the light, fertilizing and humidity are correctly configured.
  8. Opening buds with empty flowers due to hypothermia in the winter. What to do? Remove pedicels, wait for future flowers, spray with epin.
  9. Falling unopened buds maybe because of their large number, lack of light, infection by insects. What to do? Adjust the lighting, treat the plant with chemicals.
  10. Lack of flowering possibly due to improper wintering, overfilling with nitrogen, too large a pot, lack of light. What to do? Adjust the lighting, transplant into a suitable pot.
  11. Drying unopened buds due to too high temperature or lack of air. What to do? Shade gloxinia from direct sunlight, spray air over a flower, feed.
  12. Rotting shoots and buds due to excessive moisture, increased acidity of the earth, nitrogen overfeeding, cold wintering, rotting of the tuber. What to do? Check the condition of the tuber, change the soil, reduce the level of incoming water.
  13. Withering during the flowering period due to problems with the tuber. Due to excessive watering, or infections. What to do? Check the condition of the tuber, change the soil, level the moisture level of the earth.
  14. Spider mite, thrips and aphids. What to do? Acaricides, insecticides will help you in the fight against this problem.

All this will help you take good care of your pet and ensure her a long life. It is not so difficult to take care of her, but, like any flower, she needs attention, then your house will be filled with bright colors of Shagane gloxinia.

Watch the video: Plant Health & Disease Troubleshooting Guide (October 2024).

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